Take off from "Notre Dame de la Salette", gas cut

if i plan a flight from “notre dame de la Salette”, it’ s not possible to take off.

when my plane picks up speed to take off, the throttle cuts out, it is impossible to take off and I end up in the trees at the end of the runway. i have same problem in and our vr. (trying with cessna 152 &172)
i use a Warthog hotas and when i start from another point i don’t have this problem…
Have somebody encounter the same issue ?


Park brake released? … otherwise I can’t replicate your problem

Thanks for your feedback.
yes yes, park breake was released.
But I saw that I am having the same problem in other regions … for example, I planned to land at the gibraltar airport, same, the throttle cuts off after a few seconds. I have to constantly play from 0 to 100% with the throttle to keep about 30% of power …
I tried to act with my mouse and push on the cockpit throttle lever but it pops out on its own. .
and after landing, no more problem, everything works fine to take off and re-land … I don’t understand

I think I wasted your time and I apologize, today everything is working fine, but I have no idea why. maybe the game should still have a few small weaknesses every now and then?
thank you all

I had the same problem throttle dying problem. Even tried with the Robin DR/400 Cadet used in the challenge. All flight systems are on automatic so not likely a fuel mixture issue. Tried to take off from runway in either direction. Thanks in advance for any suggestions/solution?