Taog huey not available

No matter what I do the Huey from taog is not visible in msfs 2024. I also have the Allouete from taog purchased from store and I can see it and fly with it in 2024. They are both showing as streamed in the library.
Any ideas?

known issue affecting a few aircraft types …hopefully will bw sorted when the market place gets added!

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There is a potential that it will just suddenly pop up. It took since release for the Big Radials P-40 to show up in my library, weeks after every other aircraft I have from the market place showed up. Hopefully soon for you.

Mine is available, I downloaded from flightsim.to and used addon linker to place it in the community folder. Not sure about store purchases. I try to buy as little from the store as possible

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 Mine streamed to my xbox cloud gaming right after launch, without even asking. The first time I flew it was wierd. Was really jerky. You could fly it but the poor little hulla dancer girl was about to bust off the dashboard. I tried it about a week later, and it worked fine. My mini500 really seemed to work well. But, I subsequently uninstalled all my ms2020 stuff to try and get my ms2024 :100:   so far so good. Seem to be at a point now where it gets a little better every day.

I think its just a market place issue (thats where mine is from …and also the C160 im waiting for!)

The huey IS flyable in 2024 and have been so since day one or close.
Just for everybodys information.

But cant give you any hints on why you cant find or fly it.

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Just the market place issues thats all …as you say, if you got it from anywhere else should be fine!

It’s weird, it’s been available and I’ve flown it without issues in 2024, then I went to fly it last week and it wasn’t there. Haven’t checked again recently.

Same! Marketplace purchase. Shows up in the streaming list, enabled… doesn’t work. Logged a ticket, they said they don’t know what the issue is… that was a few weeks ago. To be honest, 2020 looks and runs better on my machine anyways so been enjoying it there.

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same for me. Shows in Library and is streamed but I cant find it in the modules list. It worked from day one. but than vanished into thin air


I even tried to disable the Marketplace version and install the flightsim.to version. I enabled the view pilots in interior and it resulted in lost control of the mouse. It made the pilots permenantly highlighted and I cant click on the center console controls. Addon completely unloaded and disabled in 2024 for now.

I guess we will have to wait for the marketplace to come live.

I play on xcloud and have no problem flying the huey.