Taxiway Navigation Facilities for VR

I’m using VR consistently these days for MSFS 2020 and need something to help me navigate from parking to the active. When using ATC in VR I’m directed to follow a particular taxiway sequence and can easily record the sequence. But when I start to taxi I need to know which way to turn to get to the next leg. I know of several ways to display in VR an airport map that shows the taxi segments labelled. But, so far, I haven’t succeeded in bringing any into use whilst actually moving in the sim. I’ve been trying to use LittleNavmap without success. Any recommendations?

Moved to User Support Hub Virtual Reality (VR) that is more appropriate for community support.

If you have a Navigraph subscription you could use an airport taxiways plate and can draw on the required route as well as have your aircraft show up on it.
It may be cheating but I have the sim taxi arrows selected (although I found a mod which reduces them to a more acceptable size).
But I’ve always found LNM, with the VR addon, to be more than sufficient if nothing else is available.

I don’t have Navigraph and hope I can do without it. I see that Little Navmap has all that I want in 2D - the view of the airport on-screen shows all the taxiway labels I need. But I can’t find a way to make that visible in VR. Any chance of some detailed guidance?