TBM 930 Airspeed

Ok, here’s an interesting issue I just encountered with the TBM 930 during final and landing. I was about 7-8 miles out on an RNAV approach and in full landing config. My airspeed showed about 87-88 kts as it should, but when I looked out the window it looked like I was travelling a LOT faster than that. That was confirmed when I reached the runway and I must’ve been going about 130 -140kts and I just about wiped out, even though my airspeed still showed about 88 kts at touchdown. Really weird. I have everything updated in the sim, but I am using the TBM performance improvement mod, ver 0.5.5, by guifarias31, and also the Working Title G3000 mod, ver 0.3.2. Both haven’t been updated since the big Asobo patch last week, and I’m going to try removing the TBM mod, but just curious if anyone else has had this happen, with or without those mods installed. Thanks.

If you were traveling with an IAS of 85 kts but had a strong tail wind, then your TAS / GS will be much higher than your IAS.

Without these details, it’s hard to point out a problem or just a normal thing you may have overlooded.

I agree with @Crunchmeister71, sounds like you had one humdinger of a tailwind. I run the TBM a lot, with the same mods as you have, and have not had any situation like what you described.

Did you have wind enabled on your PFD?

I have the same mods and the TBM is my most used plane. I encountered this same issue a few days back. I got an ILS approach with 30kt tail wind. Needless to say, it was a fast and scary landing. I suspect that was the case here, and not an issue with the game or mods.

Ya, I was pretty much in panic mode trying to control the aircraft and didn’t notice, but METAR was showing I would’ve been hitting about an 18kt headwind with slight crosswind. I’ve landed with moderate to heavy tailwinds before, and nothing like this has occurred. I had to have been at least double my approach speed. I’ll keep an eye on it though. Also, pitot heat was on, so I don’t think it was an icing thing.

To avoid tailwind when landing if you expected headwind display actual wind in the PFD so you get the correct information.

Yeah, real world METAR doesn’t mean much in this sim atm. Sometimes it’s close, most of the time it’s so off it’s useless. While ATIS is pretty much out to lunch, typically their altimeter and wind readings are accurate and correct runways are active based on wind.

Honestly, enable the wind reading on your PFD. That’s the only reading you can consider reliable atm.

The question would be, were you free flying and picked your approach based on METAR, or was it assigned to you by ATC?

also check your keybindings for the sim rate increase/decrease keys.

maybe you hit the increase sim rate button by accident.

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That’s an interesting possibility. I speed up the rate sometimes during cruise, but I may not have set it all the way back to normal. Unfortunately their isnt a sim rate settings display

Yep, a visual indicator of the sim rate would be helpful.

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