TBM930 Left Bank Autopilot Issue

While I’m flying in the TBM and I have the aircraft set on NAV hold the plane will fly the correct heading and everything, but it gradually banks left for a few minutes until its in a 20 degree bank while still holding the right heading. When I look at the rudder, I notice that’s what’s causing me to bank. The rudder is slowly moving left forcing the plane to bank left holding the same heading. When I turn on and off the AP master it fixes it but only until it starts banking left again. The plane never loses its heading even when it’s banking. Everyone I’ve seen have this problem either couldn’t have their plane hold the right heading or they just have a calibration/sensitivity issue. I have all my calibrations right and I have no interfering keybinds pushing the rudder left. Does anyone have any clue what this is?

Due to heavy cross-wind area?

Flight model set to modern?

@Markus12343944, crosswind wouldn’t cause any bank or yaw.

Based on the indications in the screenshot, full right rudder input is being entered and rudder trim is neutral, which does pretty much point to a controller conflict or keybinding conflict.

I get exactly the same problem also with the CJ2, can anybody help to solve this problem? I have tried to find many sources but seems simply that I cannot find the solution.
Many thanks.

Which solutions have you already tried?

I probably should have mentioned I have also had this exact problem in the CJ

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tried constantly recentering my rudder trim, quintuple checked all my possible conflicting keybinds, I know it isnt wind patterns

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The rudder always shifts left. I haven’t seen it go right at all. Also I’m thinking if it’s a keybind conflict it would immediately or spontaneously just move the rudder to max or something but it like gradually shifts left until its pretty much maxed.

If it gradually shifts it might be a too small axis deadzone.

A double binding which can also be the reason is view control where rotating the view applies rudder as well.

ill be not touching anything and it will still shift slowly

Which joystick are you using? What are the deadzones? Is the flight model set to modern?

Im using Saitek Rudder and Yoke. I have tried everything as well. I see you are dealing with my same frustation!!. Deadzone ais set to zero. Does it has any impact? thanks!

Deadzone zero is a bad idea, that’s what I’ve wrote in my previous reply!
Even with a brand new and very precise joystick I would use at least 2%.
On older worn out joysticks even more than 10% might be necessary.

Again, what have you tried? I’ve tried everything doesn’t really help with troubleshooting.

let me try it with deadzone 10%

And the flight model set to modern.

is this the most realistic? I have set everything to max realism. where can I find modern flight model?

Im test flying now and just level up a FL180 and now has already started to bank right. … incredible…

I will try this when I can

It’s not only the most realistic, it’s the only valid one for all default at 99% of the add-on aircraft.

Options > flight model > modern