TCA Sidestick not fully working

Does anyone have any idea why my TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition works normally only in landing challenges? If I try to fly a custom flight and take off, the plane hits 100% throttle and takes off and the only thing I can do is change the camera to the outside and back to the cockpit and look around. Otherwise I cannot control the plane at all. So now I’ve been playing the landing challenges quite a lot… Before I got the TCA, I flew with PS4 controller but now it’s the same story with that as well. I think after Japan update it went like this, before it worked just fine as you would hope.

Welcome on the forums!
Sounds like you have the AI pilot on tbh. Check that on your top toolbar

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Charlie the AI Co-Pilot strikes again. :rofl:

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Haha LOL cannot believe that was it! I haven’t been in that menu ever, so I was a bit confused :smiley:
Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

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