Yeah if you are flying glass cockpits like this it really needs the displays popped out to another screen(s) and an external means of control. It really helps if you have a physical knob or more for adjusting those. I never use a mouse to control the aircraft while flying because it just feels so cumbersome and awkward to use.
Or a 4K 55" TV monitor, so it’s life size, or nearly so. I have such on my desk right in front of me, at the distance the panel in an aircraft is.
But I get your issues… I’m more of a 6 pack guy myself, too (instruments wise, I wish otherwise…)
The 55 is kind of the perfect size. If you use head tracking, it seems to just perfectly sync with turning your head to glance to the edges of the tv superfluously and the tv effectively covers 180 degrees effortlessly.
I use the Octavi IFR to get past just about every G1000 function, other than MSFS’s missing map range binds.
But if you have open binds, add AP quick buttons for master power/alt/hdg/nav. Also bind alt ref, heading bug, and vs ref +/- . Even with the Octavi i still have alt ref on buttons as some are set insanely slow so I can just hold it.
In a TB V1 with pedals you can have so many binds I still haven’t found uses for all of them. Heading bug and VS ref are super helpful to avoid the mouse.
Not sure how the octavi does it’s bindings but it must be a limitation because range can be controlled externally no problem. In fact it’s a very common control I use. Don’t know what I’d do without it.
There’s no native MSFS binding for map range, you need an external app. Haven’t bothered with mobiflight yet
Actually, a VR headset is the perfect size…
Life-size, 360 degrees views.
Feels like you are actually in an aircraft.
A pretty good one can be had for about 500 dollars now.
Check out VRFlightSimGuy on youtube, he just had a review a few weeks ago on VR headsets.
You can thank me later…
If you are limited to just what’s in the controls setup then yes it’s restrictive. An external control app is the way to go for the best experience if your device(s) can be controlled in that way. Range, panning, GCU controls all no problem.
I’ll have to see if there’s a mobiflight profile available already that has the map range incorporated into it. Frankly, I’m just a bit too lazy to build entirely new profiles for it.
I may revisit it and swap out the Octavi for the Realsimgear GCU that pretty much replicates every Garmin suite(and the tactile awesomeness of it all), then move the Octavi onto autopilot, transponder, and com duty only. It’s hard to get past that $200 Otavi does most of the heavy lifting of a decent stack of RSG panels(and cash). RSG you’d need an AP panel, com panel and the GCU @$1200+
People I have had this aeroplane for long time and so far have done many flights with but how do I use the mission feature that comes with it ?
try to look here…
Mission Hub (
Thanks - This is interesting, I’ll need to explore this!
Also on side note - on product page it says it includes “40-minute video documentation of the real aircraft and procedures” where is that located?
I recommend, for a greater immersion into the simulation, going through the entire left menu – the flight manual. It’s advisable to understand the throttle and propeller settings, and possibly also TKS and MEDEVAC.
I noticed everything on the MFD seemed to be squished a bit but thought I might be going crazy. However when pulling up the traffic page, you can really see the distance circles are actually distance ovals.
Is this correct or is this an issue?
You’re not crazy, they sized it wrong. Works OK, looks a bit goofy.
The image fits the bezel so I guess they messed up the G1000 itself.
Not sure if it’s appropriate to ask this here but, if the devs of this plane are reading this, can I request a temperature monitor? I’m not sure how hard what I’m asking is to do, but one can hope! I just like more things to tackle while I’m flying and monitoring and keeping the right temps is more immersive and engaging for me personally. I know I mentioned this above sorta, but this is a request if possible. will delete if inappropriate.
FSS Tecnam P2012 Traveller – Quirks
I own a Honeycomb Alpha & Bravo setup
The Taxi, Nav, and Landing lights will not switch on, weather using the Alpha or by clicking on them with the mouse.
The start feature is a minor pain, as the left engine will not start by the push button in the overhead. And yes, before I get the hate mail and speeches, I have followed both check lists religiously step by step.
The only way to start the left engine, is to have an all engine start on my Bravo, once started I can use the right start button to start the right engine.
Checklist through the MSFS2020 is lacking. Usually with any other aircraft, you push the location button on the check list and it nightlights what need to be pushed, toggled, or whatever.
Shut down of the engines are a real pain. Closing of the fuel valves work if they would stay shut. Sometimes they turn themselves back on, and the locks won’t stay.
Parking Brake mapping on the Bravo will not work.
Otherwise, everything else is great. Once the above is fixed, this would be a great product.
Anyone having any ideas, please post.
I’m no expert here, and I don’t own this hardware (for the this reason mainly), but, it’s my understanding their switches constantly send a signal to the software. Try unhooking the switch binding to the lights and see if you can then turn the lights on with the mouse.
I might be wrong, but, it’s worth a test.
Yep it’s the most likely cause. Just disconnect the hardware altogether and test the aircraft with mouse operation. If it’s all good you immediately know where the issue lies.