Wouldn’t it be cool if we could set dates or a period where the scenery shows up every year?
For example the Rock Werchter festival is right on the (final) approach path of Brussels Airport, a very cool sight. I saw a mod for the Dutch tulips stating that you’d actually only see them for 2 weeks. We could create busy beaches in southern Europe in the summer, make them empty in winter. We could set up the fair for the Oktoberfest in Munich. Perhaps there are big cities with large visible Christmas decorations? And so on…
Similarly, there could be conditional scenery like if it snows or freezes, there could be active vehicles on the de-icing pads.
Yup especially if they based some challenges or bush trips or activities in the region to support them!
Think thinks like the Haj - Mecca, Eid around different Islamic countries, Kumbh Mela in India, or other events like fireworks around the world for different New Years/Lunar NY/Tet/Thai New Year, Loi Kratong - where they send up thousands of balloons in Chiang Mai Thailand etc.
Since the requirement around here seems to be “unqualified realism”, and there are certain things that need to happen based on prevailing conditions, making these things happen based on dates, times, or conditions is a natural extension to this basic wish-list item.
Everyone knows the importance of de-icing during cold weather.
I have heard that at certain airports, like the ones in Saudi Arabia with 4 mile taxiways, temps over 100° C on the tarmac, and long wait times - supposedly there are either built-in runway/tire sprinklers and/or special equipment that comes along to make sure the aircraft undercarriage and wheels don’t overheat.