Terrible graphics of cities

I started a flight from Toronto City Centre CYTZ and when I observe the city skyline I was extremely disappointed at what I saw - take a look.
These terrible building blocks created by the system has got to change - MS/ASOBO, please do something about this.


I’ve had those days. My last time I had an issue like this it was worst than even that. Apparently at some point my “Photogrammetry” setting got shut off in the Data settings. Check that and hopefully it’s the same issue.

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Did you check your settings? Because I don’t get this.

If you truly want MS/Asobo to fix something, the proper channel is Zendesk.

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When there is an Internet issue, you get a pop up saying photogrammetry will be shut off.

Many assume it will turn back on so they pay it no mind.

But you have to turn it back on, along with Bing Data in your settings.

And delete your rolling cache every once in a while.

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I’ve found the photogrammetry in cities requires some pretty serious internet. At minimum 50Mbps.

My DSL is 8Mbps and when I fly in cities with photogrammetry, even the Cessna 152 will outrun its streaming capabilities.

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This game requires a lot of Bandwidth, and some candles to avoid CTD

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That’s your graphic settings check them out.


Thank you and thanks to all who responded.
I figured users out there would have an answer.

There was a message about an internet issue and I was not aware I had to go back in and check the settings. So I did go in to the Data Options but Photogrammetry was ON, then I checked my Graphics settings and it had changed (without me knowing it). I put that back to my normal settings and all was good. Also I did go in and delete my rolling cache.

Again thanks to all for feedback.