The long loading time that used to be before the main menu feels like it’s simply been pushed out to the loading of the first flight. At least we don’t wait forever to get to the menu anymore.
FPS is Noooooooooooooooooooot better. Stop with the placebo effect. If anything, it is worse.
Got in the super light, throttled up, black screen… damaged landing gear… at 5 knots. Only happened once.
Behold, the 200 ft tall disconnected alien lights that we use to illuminate our cities here on mars…
Epic minecraft textures, I’ve been sitting there for a minute and that’s still the best it can do. Not ideal…
Now I know what happens to today when it becomes yesterday…
There is still a massive pause of like up to 20 seconds, shortly After changing the time of day in flight… even though you can clearly see it’s already successfully changed.
I flipped the plane over a rock and it actually behaved as you’d expect. overall, i feel the plane through the air felt better.
All the night lighting has this awful, and probably expensive blur on it. And there’s still these awful rows of red lights, and it’s not the cars, there’s literally no ai traffic on the roads - at night - for some reason.
I hear the wind, but the plane doesn’t seem to feel it… maybe a bit more now. But I still flew a superlight into a huge preset storm with no issue. Storms looked great… still zero interactivity. And when the lightning flashes, even on high to ultra settings across the board, the clouds get all pixel-y.
There is still a fine translucent line right across the horizon or something. That’s not a compressed image or something, that line you see is actually in the sim.
Even in the menu, the hanger you can see there’s this awful vingette or whatever it is effect, probably very expensive too. Like if it’s designed for 3d glasses but i’m not wearing any. Where it’s reddish to the left and blue on the right. image below…
Active pause can still cause your plane to gradually accelerate or decelerate on its own, leading to your demise before or when you unpause. But it’s not as bad now, i think.
A compounding of minor oversights around cockpit camera constantly break immersion for me by forcing me to manually adjust things, as follows:
The default cockpit view has your pilots face basically sitting on the dash, but I want to see more by default, as if sitting a bit further back. So you need to assign a custom view so you can enter cockpit at a decent zoom level. Then when you hit that view, you gotta hit it twice because it enters the default cockpit view first!
And when you use default cockpit view, the really useful quick look left or right Resets your Zoom level when you release it. Forcing you to break immersion to adjust your zoom again or re-select your custom view!
Then the game Forgets your custom view, sometimes, in between launches of the sim and you gotta go set up your custom views again!
Highways along mountains and coasts are still weird wacky wonderland creations.
All transitions between water and land are wrong, in the entire world, without good effects, crashing waves, or anything.
I got about 40 min into the Europe bush flight and the frame rate took a massive dive even though i was in the middle of a huge valley. We’re talking down to like 3fps…and it never recovered until the next flight. This never happened before this patch, though I hadn’t done any bush flights yet.
Even with trim on the floor the Cessna climbs with hands-off at only 100 knots. that doesn’t seem right.
When you’re on a bush flight, there’s really no indication you’re even on it. You’ve got poi in your flight plan, vfr map with a line, but heck I couldn’t even double check what my first stop was once i was in there. Everything in the flight plan just says POI. And the sim itself gives no indication you’re even on a bush flight.
I started a flight somewhere with super high winds live weather and still got nothing.
Upon starting a flight, it was dark out, i toggle live on and off, and got a completely different time of day and only then did the weather draw in. So launching with live conditions does not actually work.
Somehow the game has already managed to occupy half of a 1TB drive already, and i can’t even tell how much of that is the legit install… which seems to be in at least two places, parts of it. No idea. No user would ever be able to figure it out. So at some point, maybe when the next patch drops, i’m going to have to uninstall and start fresh… that’s another like 5 hours to download, maybe 7… .maybe 9.
World map pans with left mouse yet the other cameras in the game pan with right mouse.
Drone camera makes no attempt to even use the mouse even though it’s A) right there and B) would control the camera even Easier than a controller and C) the rest of the game extensively uses a mouse for everything, very effectively, and D) All other Cameras use the mouse.
There has been no crashes for me. Not one.
And ■■■■ can it ever be gorgeous when it’s not breaking immersion or showing me something it Can’t do…