Texture Supersampling setting no longer present

Hi all,

  • Sim Update 1 Beta version -
    I deleted my cloudsave today to solve an issue with keybinds.

When I was setting up my Graphics options again, I noticed that I no longer have the possibility to set the ‘Texture Supersampling’??
It used to live just under Anisotropic Filtering…

Wondering if you guys notice the same?



Moved to Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024 since OP indicated to be under SU1.

Concur. I have same issue in Beta.

Any updates on this? Is it intentional or a mistake?

Same problem, let’s see if it will bee fixed in the SU1 final release.

Any mods/staff could bring some light on this issue?

Texture Supersampling options are missing in the settings menu and also missing from the UserCfg.opt file.

Same here, it’s gone.

Hi all,

Thanks for your reports on this matter! I’ve received confirmation from the team at Asobo today that this was an intended removal. With the fix for blurry aerials implemented in the SU1 beta, this setting was deemed as no longer being required.

The MSFS Team


This is no true. Removing texture supersampling now everything in TAA have extensive shimmering, so find another solution not giving one at cost of other.


I strongly agree with this. Ever since it was removed, shimmering/aliasing is really bad!

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Please look into if this is the reason for the insane amount of shimmering/aliasing thats present in the beta, if it is, this is not a great tradeoff… Not sure why they wouldn’t just leave it as a setting anyways, so people can adjust their sim as they please?


Mind sharing a screenshot of this “insane amount of shimmering/aliasing”? I’m not seeing it.

These are my settings…

Im seeing it alot of grooved runways, since they will have a lot of horizontal lines. Uploading a video of it as we speak, but its way easier to see it for yourself as the video compression hides it a little bit. (my example is the runway at EKVG with superspuds scenery on flightsimto, but ive also seen it at default airports that has grooved runways) Its not just runways, its thin lines in general in scenery that now aliases alot more. First thing i noticed in the build after the much better ground textures, was the increase of aliasing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEh8VciLcyE here is a video of it, but still as i said, its much easier to see it in the sim for yourself.

I’ve noticed in the grooved runway example, its like there is a field where the anti aliasing shimmers (this is impossible to show properly on a still screenshot but let me draw what im seeing anyways)

It seems the aliasing is worst in two sections of the field of view, as poorly drawn in my screenshot here

I will record more examples as it does sometimes stand out more than others, such as at night (there you literally cannot miss it)


Either way, i still think asobo needs to revisit if supersampling can be included again OR find a way to deal with this shimmering issue.

Ah I see what you mean.

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Uploading an extra example so the devs can see it more clearly hopefully, but yea its def there

Slightly easier to see the effect here i think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwvgTt8-eas

Anti aliasing regression: A lot of shimmering/aliasing happening ever since SU1 beta was pushed - #2 by dustNinja7871 I posted about it in here, if you wanted to vote for the topic.

DLSS as I am sure you know, not TAA which comes with other issues.

Why would remove choice and a graphics option that increases fidelity?
Smells like BS to me.

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I am also seeing this exact issue. Have noticed it at various airports and it’s a clear regression.

Anti aliasing is one of many things I was hoping to see an improvement in with MSFS2024, but sadly seems just as bad. Any kind of close together lines is just shimmers everywhere.