Thank you Asobo, the taxiway signs are finally readable! I can use the taxiway signs in VATSIM now!

Totally agree. I’m not VR either so can’t really speak for that experience.

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That’s a huge yikes…

I honestly think the sign size should be a slider option (normal, big, billboard) in the settings. Some users want legibility, but I think this size is totally obnoxious.

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I opened this as a bug, in case someone wants to add their own feedback

Some airports (KJFK for instance) didn’t change, so a slider may not be the answer. We need a Goldilocks sign - not too big, not too small, but just right.

If I had to pick between signs being too small or too big, I’d go with the latter.

What I’m actually most concerned with is I don’t believe this was mentioned in the release notes. Bit of a disconcerting feeling… makes me wonder, “Was this intentional or…?”

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They miss a bunch of stuff in the release notes because ‘it confuses people’. (was their reply when I pointed it out in the first month after release)

Isn’t it kinda sad that we say ‘hey these signs are too small, here is a list with how big they should be’ and they respond with creating the signs twice as large as they should be? It almost feels like a childish overreaction.

As for ‘if the sign were any smaller I wouldn’t be able to read it’, come on. I can comfortably read them in these images on the forum without enlarging on my laptop. You don’t have to read them from a mile away…


It was mentioned in the release notes. Read them again.

In their defense, here is what really happened:

There was a bug with the scenery editor that was automatically converting every sign to become size 1 no matter what. This means that nobody - not Asobo or any scenery developer - actually saw the real sizes of the signs that they were selecting when creating scenery. Developers perhaps chose massive sign sizes hoping that they’d increase the sign sizes, but they all rendered as size 1 regardless. Asobo likely never cross checked the size of the taxiway signs because they never appeared in the graphics. Now that they fixed the bug preventing signs from being other sizes, they uncovered a lot of inconsistencies in sign creation (because again - whoever placed the signs likely never saw them rendered at the correct size).

Asobo should’ve caught this, but it seems they didn’t. Whoever inputted the dimensions of the signs messed up big time.

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If this is true, I wonder why some of the taxiways on default airports are totally oversized while others are not? Didn’t Asobo use the same size at least for their default airports then?

Doesn’t that suggest that they never checked them in the sim after they placed them?

Well, does this surprise you? If they would actually check their sim after updating it, they would instantly have realized things like this, add the spikes, bad LOD, water creeping up cliffs, taxiway signs all over the place, live weather issues, strange aerodynamics, overdone icing and so on on the list and you can only conclude that actually no one ever tests their updates over at Asobo. If they do, they must be blind, end of the story…

Aboyne Airfield is a perfect exsample for readable taxisign :wink:

God I hope they fix this soon. The signs are comically big😭

Correct wording should be: couldn’t be worse

Nah, the bigger signs are good because they are readable now. Non-readable taxiway signs are just ornaments and serve no purpose in the game. Ornaments are for Christmas. If the taxiway sign is meant to be read, then give me something readable.

Well I thought that simulator should simulate reality, I never saw such a big taxiway signs in real life as a pilot.

And what’s the point anyway, when they are not even correct? :sweat_smile:

Then I hope they don’t consider any of your threads fixed, because not a single one of them is, including the incorrect sizes. (despite the bug you just mentioned)

The sizes are incorrect: too big and they are literally just scaled up versions of the smallest size.

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Well, when I am on VATSIM, and ATC tells me to go down a taxiway route, but I can’t read the taxiway signs because they are unreadable in the game, how is that simulating reality?

First. Ground Movement Airport Charts. And second, taxi shouldn’t really exceed 15 or 20 knots. Using those both things you shouldn’t have any problem.

You use the combination of the taxiway signs and the airport chart to determine your position! When you are in doubt of your position on the airport chart, that’s where you can use the taxiway signs as extra information to coordinate your position!

Why bother to have taxiway signs in real life then? All airports should just scrap all their taxiway signs because the pilots can use the airport charts to determine their position and they don’t need anything else!