Thanks for VR!

I am actually amazed (no offence) at how good this implementation of VR is. I have had an Oculus Rift since the release of the CV1, and now have a Rift S, and althoug I do still use the monitor a lot of the time, I do enjoy flying in VR, particularly in Aerofly FS2, DCS World and XP11. I have never really been bothered about the lack of VR for MSFS, as the sim was amazing as it was on a monitor, and I was surprised to find out it was coming out so quickly. Today after updating I had to fiddle around a bit, restarting a couple of times, setting up the required controls, and setting the FOV stencil on Oculus Debug Tool to off to get rid of the black square, and I was ready to test it out. I have to say, I was expecting a stutterfest. Not that performance is bad in MSFS, but even with a pretty good PC (i9-9900k, 2080Ti, 32GB RAM) I have to be careful with my settings when flying in certain areas, and at times I have encountered stuttering on the monitor, which I attribute mostly to my below par Australian internet speed. I started a flight at the new Airworthy Designs TNCM in the TBM, and was actually amazed at how smooth the whole experience was. I started on the ramp at night, taxied out and lifted off. After a few touch and goes at TNCM and a bit of sightseeing of the island I headed for TFFJ to do a few more touch and goes and a landing there. All in all an awesome experience.

I particularly like how the settings for VR have been separated from the main graphics settings, and the ease with which you can switch between the monitor and VR. It is all just simple and very user friendly. Great job!!!



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