Why don’t you take the landing gear into consideration in your arguments. Any carrier aircraft has a pretty sturdy landing gear able of absorb the energy from the touchdown and prevent bouncing back up…
I doubt you ever landed an aircraft by physically stalling it out if the air, part because the stall speed reduces in ground effect as the effective angle of attack increases.
The aircraft should naturally pitch down in the ground effect as the downwash angle on the horizontal stabilizer shallows. So if not touching the trim (and you shouldn’t) you always need to apply backpressure in ground effect in the flare, relaxing backpressure upon touchdown means the aircraft is definitely not bouncing back up.
Bouncing (in real life) is usually due to poor pitch / power coordination. Touching down with excessive vertical speed, beyond what the landing gear can absorb will bounce the aircraft back into the air (note that this will happen whether the aircraft is stalled or not). Otherwise pilot induced occilations, landing on the nose landing gear (wheelbarrowing) or a gust of wind upon or just before touchdown can all cause bounces.
The lack of an accurate flight model and drag simulation is probably not making it easier although I haven’t had such problems in MSFS other then the extensive floating due to inaccurate ground effect and drag modelling. But stalling an aircraft during flare? This does not seem like a proper technique to me, I have never heard of this before…
It is true that spoilers extend as soon as the touchdown occurs on most aircraft but this is not primarily done to prevent bounces, this is done to firmly place the weight of the aircraft onto the wheels and make the braking more effective. Thrust reverse is not going to prevent bounces as it takes time for those to deploy and spool up.
Depending on the aircraft touchdown normally occurs between Vat -5 to -10 kts when using the right technique (at least on the aircraft I have flown) which is above the normal stall speed and even further above the stall speed in ground effect. As said before, upon touchdown a natural nose down pitching moment occurs for multiple reasons:
The aircraft inertia upon touchdown as the aircraft tends to keep following the original flight path when the ground is suddenly in the way, the CG is infront of the main gear so this causes the nose to pitch down, decreasing AOA. When making a very smooth touchdown close to zero vertical rate this effect will be non-existent.
As speed continues to decrease, more weight is transferred onto the wheels, also elevator / stabilator effectiveness reduces, reducing the nose-up pitching moment from the tailplane, lowering the nose.
As more and more weight is transferred from the wings to the main gear the nose down moment increases since the aircraft CG is located in front of the main landing gear. The moment arm from the horizontal stabilizer to the aircraft “pivot” point becomes shorter as well as the aircraft pivot point changes from the CG to the main wheels upon touchdown, the nose-up moment from the stabilizer reduces, lowering the nose.
The thrust vector acts below the CG for most aircraft creating a nose up pitching moment in normal flight, cutting thrust / power during the flare causes drag from a windmilling prop, this will cause a nose down effect. Also drag created by the wheels upon touchdown will cause a nose down pitching moment.
As discussed before the aircraft isn’t in trim to start with upon experiencing ground effect, causing a nose down pitching moment from the start.
The capacity of the landing gear to not only absorb, but also dampen the touchdown. This is depending on the vertical rate at touchdown, the type and condition of the landing gear. Some landing gear types are more “bouncy”, the springs on a Cessna for example compared to a trailing-link landing gear system. The nitrogen in an oleopneumatic shock absorber absorbs the forces during touchdown while the oil causes a dampening effect.
There are some dynamic effects when touching down with a high vertical speed creating a nose down moment, beyond that what the nose landing gear can absorb bouncing it back into the air, landing on the nose gear before touching on the main gear (wheelbarrowing) usually due to too high approach speed, wind gusts, PIO etc.
In short following a normal landing technique, touchdown at an acceptable vertical rate at a speed 5/10 kts below threshold speed should not result in any bounce. Even when not releasing the backpressure there should be a natural nose down pitching moment reducing the angle of attack as soon as the touchdown occurs, keeping the aircraft on the ground.
Note that on the Asobo Airbus A320 neo and Boeing 747 flight dynamics are completely reversed which might aid in the floating and bouncing: