The career mode is server side for one reason only $$$

There are none as far as career mode is concerned.

Questions I have.

  1. Why is career mode online if it is single player, and will never be multi-player? Making it multiplayer after the fact is already impossible because you would have to force too much merging of data to make it work, like company name uniqueness etc.

  2. Why is career mode so brutal with punishments to credits? Punishments seem to all function PERFECTLY. Or, if they are bugged, they punish you worse, not less. It is only the reward structure which is bugged. To the point where there is an entire thread on how to avoid said bugs so you can actually progress.

  3. Why is there a market option when you go to purchase an aircraft for your company? It doesn’t function… yet…

There are simply way too many things that point to them inventing problems to sell us the solution later. Otherwise why not make this client side only. Why would they waste server storage and bandwidth for a single player aspect?

I think people are going to feel silly defending this so hard when boosters come out lol. All anyone wanted was objectives and a reason to fly. This is what they gave us. I know many have not tried FSEconomy, but frankly, it is better than this, and you have to go through A LOT of jank to make it work. Still better. Same with OnAir.

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One question I do have about career. I logged in to fly more today and the credits seem to have been cut in half. Was that a patch situation?

It was ALL missions for me. I don’t much care either way. I have yet to lose any, but I’m not that far into it either.

Are you going to feel silly if it doesn’t happen? So far there has been zero indication that they plan to do this. The only supposed evidence is some dev tool that doesn’t even matter.

Yeah, career mode is bugged, but there has been nothing in my playthrough so far that would suggest the need to buy boosters to succeed.

You lost me here. If, as you say, everyone would do the missions in free flight then it means no one wants the career mode. So why spending millions on developing it, why make consumers spend millions of hours grinding buggy, boring missions, if no one really wants it, and MS/Asobo won’t monetize it?

I do believe, that a properly implemented career mode would make sense for those who like that aspect of a flight simulator, proven by successful and popular addons.

But for those, who don’t care about making credits and profits, like me, please, let us get to the missions without torture. I spent many happy hours doing logging and HEMS missions with the Hype H145, and I love that you can just jump into the helicopter any time you like and do any kind of missions, just for fun.

If it does not happen, then the big, million dollar question is, once again, why not give access to the missions outside of career mode?

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I already gave you a reason. It may be the true answer, or it may not. You may not agree with my answer, but that does not make it an invalid answer. I’m not even saying I agree with it, but only playing devil’s advocate. You wanted a reason, I gave you one.

We seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding here.

I have no problem with anyone enjoying the career mode. Go ahead, have fun, have your rewards, I understand there is demand for it.

However, I have no desire to do boring, frustrating work (yes, it is work, the worst kind, the one you do not enjoy, i.e. missions I do not want to fly), to access missions I do want to fly.

What is the reason I’m denied access to them?

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There is a big difference between being “denied access to them” and choosing, for yourself, not to partake in them.

They literally cannot start with freelance missions. You are forced to do regular missions first. Hence, they are denied access. Further, in freelance, one might not want to do flightseeing or cargo missions, and you do have to do those first before doing later mission types. I understand that technically you can do missions for like 700 hours and gather millions of credits that way, but the reality is, you are forced to do flightseeing and light cargo in freelance, effectively denying access to flights they want to do.

The entire issue stems from the level of control they want to exert over a single player experience. There is no reason not to let people play how they want to. It does not affect anyone else at all. Someone skipping to flights they want to do, does not affect your experience at all if you don’t want to do that.

The only reason to control a single player experience like this and make it online and control it, is money. 100% money. This pattern has played out a million times in AAA gaming. If they offload this to client side only, I will then back down from my belief. Until then, they are going to sell stuff, mark my words.