Maybe MSFS2020 believes that fog is a volume cloud on the ground. This is plausible in general knowledge. In the fog, there is a fog top, or a denser cloud base. But in actual weather forecasts and actual conditions, fog is fog. Rvr200m BKN004 is reported in METAR. If BKN000 is not defined, MSFS will not generate fog. This is very unscientific. It is recommended that MSFS make the weather performance more reasonable in subsequent updates.
Must admit, it is frustrating trying to set the Sim weather up to fly to minimums on any particular approach, only find I’m VMC just after leaving the FAF!
Not sure what you are actually saying, but fog is exactly a cloud on the ground?
The aeronautical definition of mist and fog is low visibility caused by water droplets suspended in the air. Mist is a term used to describe visibility of greater than 1 km while Fog is the term used when visibility is less than 1 km.
Condensation is of course a cloud!
BTW neither fog nor mist are reported as BKN or OVC (or RVR for that matter) but rather in the weather phenomena section as BR (mist) or FG (fog)
I agree MSFS has it’s problems with fog but the rest of your post is unclear