The developers must have some special kind of humour (ATC) 🧳

Ha ha ha, I just landed in London Heathrow and requested the baggage service. And the reply made me laugh!

I guess some Asobo developer(s) had some recent experience with their baggage? :rofl:


Nice! Yep. Pretty much my last experience of Heathrow too

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Probably the most realistic, true to life thing any of the ATC / Ground crew have ever said in MSFS.


Happens a lot on smaller airports. However, on some airport the baggage cart will usually pop up after this message.

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Yeah, for the record: my second request was successfully answered :wink:


:joy::ok_hand: just showed this to my friend who works as a baggage handler at Heathrow; too irresistible not to troll him for an hour or so!

Oh dear :wink:

To be fair: I do think that computers are in fact to blame for 99% of all “lost luggage”: malfunctioning barcode readers, faulty “routing algorithms”, congested conveyor belts due to “laggy software”… not “the people on the ground”.

I would know. I work in IT :wink: