The game is not generating firefighting missions

The VIP charter missions took a while, but they did show up eventually for me. About a day or two after getting the VIP Charter specialization

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• Yes, I confirm I do not see frequently “firefighting initial attack” missions. I have completed the first mission at vigo but after that, there was no other mission visible. I saw somes in california and madagascar but they disappered before I could complete them. I found one today on X14 (florida) as I saw a new youtube video of this mission. I think there might be an issue with the zooming on the world map (I think firefighting missions should be set to appear from a low zoom level > as medevac or scientific research missions.

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• As said, I check today Portugal, Madagascar, Florida, Colorado and Californiq and no initial attack missions were availble even going at a high zoom level on the world map.

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well these maps also seem to be bugged, if you look at the ones for all the dif types of companies they are all the same, sooo ya good idea but that issue is preventing anyone from knowing what the real zones are

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Yes it does.
I had five show up on the map at one time…

Same issue here. I’ve done the gold mission, bought a firefighting company, bought an Air Tractor, but no firefighting missions appear. I started the company in California for what it’s worth, near Hollister. There aren’t many fires this time of year, sure, but what else about Career mode is realistic? I paid over 1M credits to do these missions and they don’t exist.


Here in Spain I have had 3 different wildfires in the nearby area in just the last week.

In real life.

In fs2024, not so much.

What gives?

I understand that the summer wildfires are bigger and harder to put out, summer before last the neighbouring mountain caught fire and a combination of 20-ish aircraft (mostly helicopters - where are the firefighting helicopters at?) took 3 weeks to put it out working sunrise to sunset, while at night I would watch it creep ever closer to my house, but winter ones do still happen - this January a wildfire came very close to burning our entire town down - it was saved by irrigation technician who redirected the irrigation water into the way of the fire.

Also the tactics they seem to employ here is to fly groups of 2-3 planes about 15-30s apart in a line, and drop one after another in the same place. In fs2024 you fly alone - no one else in your group, no helicopters to coordinate with either.

If it is really related to the season and weather, I believe it should be found in the area of Australia in recent time. I have not check this yet.

I’m pretty much finished with Career Mode at this point. The only reason I wasted so many hours on it was to unlock firefighting, search-and-rescue, and hook missions, which so far as I’m concerned should be available in free flight anyway. Thus far I’ve flown precisely two firefighting missions, and one of those was the introductory one. I’ve unlocked parts of Spain, Australia, Madagascar, Florida, and Arizona, and there’s been nothing in any of them for a week. Heli SAR missions have recently disappeared for me, too, not that those worked all that well when I did get to fly them. I guess I’ll have to settle for dropping water on imaginary fires in free flight for the time being. I don’t even care about unlocking crop dusting missions, since I can do those just fine in free flight. I need just one more successful heli mission to unlock the hook specialization, so I suppose I’ll give that a shot, but otherwise I’ve had it with this nonsense.

I also had the initial mission and one other in spain. After i created my fire fighting company, they didn’t spawn there anymore. I then unlocked numerous airports all across Australia and found one single mission. Had to transfer my air tractor from spain for 350000 cr though.
After that one mission i had 3 other days without a new mission. Today two more apeared on the other side of Australia… so again a lot to pay for transfer.

I have had several initial attack firefighting missions appear in the area between Texas and Florida , along the gulf coast regions, as well as a few in Southern California and one or two in the Colorado Rockies.

But agreed, the number of these missions are low.

I’m also unable to find any additional Extended Attack Firefighting missions beyond the highlighted one in SoCal that i already completed.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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• After passing the cert and even after unlocking “Extended Attack” missions they simply do not appear/generate on the map. I was able to find one and pass it (Not the intro one in california but after that one) after that I cannot even find a single Initial or Extended attack mission no matter where in the world I go. I have fast traveled to a bunch of places from East and West coast US to Western and Central Europe, Australia, Madagascar etc. It took me about 4 days and a lot of luck to be able to unlock Extended attack missions as well.

The abysmal lack of proper filters etc doesn’t help either but I have zoomed in and out everywhere and so on.

I just want to play CL-415 missions and its not possible. Quite absurd considering the game is advertised and has the CL-415 as the games cover.

I am bout to start lighting candles and start dancing around my PC to get the missions to generate its the only thing I haven’t tried yet.


This bug also occurs for me.

Same for me, even going to the areas that may have fires at these time-

After the initial gold mission, I see no firefighting missions except for long-attack gold mission which I can’t do. I have cities all over the globe unlocked.

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12 days since the last fire attack mission appeared on my map, stuck on 4/10 toward my extended fire attack specification…

I just owned the Firefighter company (what a mistake in this embarassing simulator) but I have 0 (ZERO) firefighter mission.

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Every few days, i get one or two missions to the south of Perth (Australia) but way to less for repay the invest in that air tractor. I have uncovered airports all over Australia and the north of South America, where this missions should be according to the density screen.

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Today, I completed one initial fire attack mission at North East region of the USA, two in Madagascar, and saw 3 or 4 in Australia. Will see if these stay on and are keep generating.

Yes! Today, several missions suddenly appeared. Maybe they have a timer?
They are completely unprofitable, but they raise the rating well to the “S” level