Just a little fun to lighten the mood folks. Happy Xmas and happy flying!
Nice video.
Gives a new meaning to ‘holding pattern’
Nothing here that lightens the mood when it has nothing to do with mfs2020.Thanks for another useless thread!
very good. thanks
Funny. It brought two instant thoughts to my mind.
I want that cockpit section before they demolish it!
A bit like Asobo and their track record with the current patch methodology. Going round in circles and in some ways getting nowhere.
On my part, I cannot get that cockpit. But I still hope Asobo can break their pattern before they break their sim to where the loss of immersion is at a tipping point for the majority. But hope is being stretched for many simmers it would seem.
Anyway. Loved the video. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, give the OP a break friend. He’s only trying to spread a little bit of joy.
Not everything has to be serious
Oh, the Grinch has logged in.
As you can see, I have made big strides forward in my 6 degrees of freedom MSFS simulator rig. It does cost a bit to run and my other half has to be free to drive the excavator. The only problem, is that I have been restricted to orbiting the Gloucester NDB for over three weeks now. I think she may have left me…
Merry Xmas,
You are a tool
Yes, I think that you need a more powerful power supply to actually get you out of orbit. Maybe someone here can recommend something that you can get online in time for Christmas Day?
Thanks for another useless and miserly comment, Scrooge!
LOL, thanks for the second smile of the thread Agree!
Thanks, made me smile (but then I do have a sense of humour unlike some Merry Christmas.
Reindeer, lots of them
No messing around here. I like your style.
Very blunt and yet potentially quite apt
Lighten up
We should use him as the Christmas Tree!
Would you generally describe yourself to be a person to have fun with? Say, at parties and other social events?
That’s great, it made me smile. Happy Christmas to you.
Hey cranes need to have fun as well! Merry Christmas to you all!
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