The thousand-point question… Will the windshield wipers finally work in FS 2024?
Hopefully they will, but they didn’t show any footage with wipers for now. Only scene I remember with rainning weather and windshield was with the gyrocopter (and this one doesn’t have wipers).
BUT 3rd parties already figure out a way to circuvent this limitation, so I don’t see why Asobo wouldn’t fix it for good in their own code.
More important to me: will every default aircraft of F2020 make it to FS2024? Especially the Bonanza and Baron, because of the Blacksquare Addons, and the TBM, because it supplies the engine sounds for the Blacksquare TBM 850.
Watch next dev Q&A stream, they will show us the whole standard default fleet.
If I recall Black Square plans on redoing the Bonanza and Baron for 2024 (having their own model) and the TBM 850 will get it’s own sound set.
If they didn’t, I suppose you could copy them over.
“Current aircraft and airports in MSFS 2020 will be supported in MSFS2024”
Some are saying that wording could be taken differently, but I don’t know why they’d say that otherwise. We “own” the aircraft, so I fully expect that means we will keep them in '24.
As we approach the FS2024 release date, I principally wonder whether all the addons in my Community folder (aircraft, airports, tools, etc.) will transport over to from FS2020. Anyone have a clue?
My Personal Comment & Observation
Unknown at this point. It will be up to the individual developers of those community addons to upgrade them to work with MSFS 2024 if required.
I do not think folks should expect to be able to just copy over the contents of their entire community folder and expect them all to work. It may take weeks or months for packages that don’t work to be upgraded by their developers, and some may never be upgraded if the original developer has moved on to other interests, or if the package is incompatible with the new architecture in MSFS 2024.
Folks that have a lot of addons should expect a fairly lengthy transition period as they determine which work & which do not. Some packages may become obsolete if their functionality is included in MSFS 2024. As folks report on these forums what works & what does not, the transition period should become less.
Very helpful, although concerning. Likely it will take some time before I make the leap, as I have so much invested in the current game by way of aircraft and airports. However, it concerns me that developers will abandon FS2020 before long, leaving us with the worst of both worlds.
The most inportant question is will MSFS 2024 be cause to build a new rig? Absolutely!!
You can run parallel installs for a while, assuming you have the space.
Also remember the devs did say that most marketplace add-ons (“virtually all” were their words) would work in MSFS2024, and although it’s a bit of a stretch to apply that to ALL add-ons, it might be a good general indicator that we’ll be all right for the most part. That said, and as noted by others, we’ll proceed but with caution.
Two big questions about lights:
Will airport edge and centre lights remain on permanently, even during broad daylight and VFR conditions?
And will aprons at default airports be pitch dark at night?
Do you want them to remain on permanently?
Even though that’s unrealistic?
Do you want them to remain pitch black?
Even though in many cases that’s unrealistic? (sure, tons of GA airports, probably the majority, don’t light up their aprons, though that’s changing to some extent.)
Some background to your questions would be helpful, given you’re asking for unrealistic features.
LOL, I took the plunge, specifically in preparation for FS2024. I may still need to upgrade my GPU once my bank account recovers.
But I’m good in the CPU / Motherboard / RAM / Power Supply areas.
(Read my thread if you’re considering the Ryzen 7950X3D. I’ve put a lot of work into making it NOT a disappointment. I LOVE it now that I’ve tuned it.)
I don’t think BravoFoxMike wants them to be like that, I think he was asking in a “is this unrealistic situation going to get carried over” way.
As I said, please ask the question in a way that makes sense for what he wants, and explain why if what he asked for is what he wants.
Most GA aprons are completely dark at night…
Even taxiing at a Class C like KMHT, it’s pretty dark out there on the aprons.
Asking a question “will X be in the game” indicates neither that the feature is wanted nor that it is unwanted. It is a neutral question that doesn’t contain any information on whether it’s desired or not.
The fact that these are both unrealistic features is more likely to imply that it’s something he doesn’t want than something he does.
As I noted, they’re somewhat unrealistic and somewhat not. But let’s assume that they’re unrealistic… why in the world would anyone phrase a question about a set of features from the negative point of view?? That makes zero sense to me. If I want to ask for something, I ask for it. I don’t go in expecting to not get what I want. That’s crazy.
I expect all requests for features to be a request for what’s desired, not some nebulous concept that requires the person reading it to have to figure out the context of the question and figure out what the person is thinking.
Why beat around the bush? Such a line of speaking sounds passive aggressive to me.
Not to mention, I have no understanding of why your questioning my desire to better understand what he’s asking for.
I would posit it’s not a neutral question.
On the topic of lighting, I’m gonna hop in here and say that I wish pilot controlled lighting was simulated. The airport I live beside keeps the runway lights off and they turn on automatically when the mic is clicked a certain number of times on the unicom frequency.