The new L'arc de Triomphe


Here is what the l’arc de Triomphe in Paris looks like after updating MSFS to v

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either you don’t have the world update 4 installed in the market, or you don’t have an internet connection, look at my video from Paris yesterday


That was the Sim patch that was automatically loaded. For the World Update, you need to go to the Marketplace and load it manually.


You obviously didn’t read the installation instructions. See point 4:


Thank you all for pointing me in the right direction!

I did not download World Update IV. Updating now. Did not realize that there was a separate entry in the Marketplace for the world update. My installation folder said that I had no more updates pending.

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Should work fine once you’ve done that. The world updates are in the marketplace - you need to “buy” them for free and download. They don’t show in yourn content manager because you haven’t acquired them until you buy them if that makes sense

That’s because it’s an optional update.

Guess I am one of those dumb users.
Or got spoiled by the X- Plane simplicity of updating.
Why do they make it so complicated in MSFS?

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What’s complicated???

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Because not everyone wants all content. I’m glad it’s optional and I can uninstall Japanese POIs and handcrafted stuff, since I never fly there. Not much wrong with control over what content I have on my disk, IMO.


I don’t remember seeing any world updates in Xplane 11. Correct me if I am wrong.

It’s a pretty dumb system to require your userbase to eye the forums like a hawk to figure out how to fully download a world update… It’s also not very intuitive to have to find and “buy” it from the marketplace in order to get access to it. Also get off your high horse, it’s not about smarts, it’s about ease of use and UI/UX. What they should be doing is making it easier for the average joe to do take advantage of this stuff without having to look it up. The dudes confusion is warranted. If your userbase is confused then it’s a good indicator that your presentation could be improved.

Perhaps prompting the user if they want to download that part of the world update on the update screen would be the way to go. If they hit accept, it downloads it right then and there. If they hit deny, it puts it in a “world update” tab in the content manager where they can easily find it if they change their mind.



He’s not saying it should be required to download. He’s not saying it can’t be optional. He’s saying it could be simplified, and he’s right. The way its presented is not good. It should prompt you on the update screen if you want to download the scenery or not. You shouldnt have to go digging for it. Granted you don’t have to dig much, but it’s still something that can be improved. If its confusing for people when it doesnt need to be, then that’s not good design.


I’m not saying it can’t be improved :wink:

I think the majority of the confusion is that they release a simulator update and a content update at the same time and on top of that just call it a “World Update”

IMO, it should just be another sim update, and as a bonus we also get an optional world content update, available in the marketplace.

The reason these thing coincide is probably they need new techniques and technology (and optimizations) to incorporate this new data in the sim.


What’s complicated???


  • having to go to the store.
  • looking for an update button or similar
  • Play button does not update.
  • the blue download symbol on the left upper corner does nothing
  • the three dots on the right upper corner do nothing
  • only after clicking on the little triangle at the right upper corner the download starts. Who would have guessed that this is the update download button?
  • after getting the initial download from the store , one has to go back to the MSFS game to download the actual ( large) update
  • after downloading that , one has to go to the Marketplace to search and download the world update

Complicated enough?

In X-Plane one gets a message that an update is a available and all you have to do is click the update icon. Done.


Hi again,

Thanks to your help even this dumb user got it working and all is well. Only the frames took a big hit.

Thank you to everybody!


And that’s before you even consider having to manage the order of loading all the random community stuff to try to make xplane look less stone age

I mean, there are 4 steps…

And I thought it was just me that found this counter-intuitive.