FS2020 has incredible graphics, being the first simulator to present the possibility of realistic VFR flight.
But the large aircrafts have been launched and are in a sorry state.
None of them (B747, A320 and B787) work correctly.
It is true that the guys at Flybywire did their homework and significantly improved the A320, but the current two versions of this aircraft (stable and developer) are also in serious trouble like not following the route, not synchronizing with ILS and showing anomalous behavior (flapping wings).
It is a really bad thing to end a long flight because the FS just closed.
I understand that the FS2020 project is really complex and grandiose, but Microsoft and Asobo should not have launched the game at a pre-alpha development stage.
Unfortunately the poor condition of large aircraft is something that will not be corrected in a short time, because repeatedly the updates do not address these problems in airline planes.
This seems to me incomprehensible and strange since a good part of the user base would like to have a good experience with large aircraft and IFR flight.
I have no intention of offending anyone, this is just my opinion.
I have seen many Youtubers return to XP 11, because currently the experience with FS2020 is bad.
Stability and performance, as well as the state of the airline are disappointing.
We just need the planes and the simulator itself to work. So stop cosmetic upgrades, work on large aircraft and fix stability / optimization problems.
Hey man, I’m sure you are not offending anyone. You have your own preferences and so do others. It’s obvious you can’t live without the auto-liners in a flight sim, while, for example, DCS World and IL-2 Sturmovik users wouldn’t care about flying them in their sim of choice. It’s normal to have a preference. As for your opinions, some are very valid and I wholeheartedly agree with them, while some are not. And that’s my opinion too.
It’s your life, money and time so you decide how you want to enjoy them. Hope you find peace in whatever you do
FWIW, many people still use XP10, FS2004 and FSX. They develop addons for it too.
It never hurts to have two sims installed if you have the hard drive space. I went back to P3D myself for airliner/vatsim stuff, but I still keep FS2020 going for VFR flying, and occasionally to see the latest FBW update for the A320.
Comments like this might actually wake up MS/ASOBO to turn this from a flight game to a Flight Simulator…but I am not holding my breath. Personally I think this is aimed at the Flight Game market…fair enough.
I now use MSFS for hand flown VFR flights and XP11 for IFR/Airline flights. Best of both worlds!
Thank you for your words and your understanding. I also wish you the best. These are difficult times. I am sure that COVID19 has greatly hampered developers. Let’s keep our hopes and faith that things will get better. Next year we will have the FS2020 on Xbox and the PMDG aircraft. Good times will come.
I now use MSFS for hand flown VFR flights and XP11 for IFR/Airline flights. Best of both worlds!
Good idea. I’m kind of hoping Laminar chooses to focus on airliners. I rarely fly them myself but if they want to get an edge over MSFS in some way in a newly competitive market, then that seems like a good way for them to go. They’re unlikely to be able to compete on scenery but they could become the best sim for complex systems, advanced avionics and jetliner flight models. Meanwhile, MSFS can capitalize on what they’re best at, which is low and slow scenic flying and VFR (I don’t mean just a game, but proper navigation by visual landmarks, etc.).
Way back in the early days there was an airliner-only simulator. Can’t remember what it was called (anyone know?), but I think it came out of Bruce Artwick’s group. I learned a lot from it at the time, and enjoyed having that and FS (2.0-ish) for different reasons.
I understand your point, but i dont see the issue in having more than one option anyway, why limit yourself?
2 simulators, 2 cars, a wife and a mistress…
Life is short, fill your boots amigo.
Maybe the opposite, MS/Asobo try to turn this from Flight Sim to flight game, then no one will or can complain anymore
It’s good to have a choice.
One day the state of airliners in FS2020 will improve, but it may take some time.
Have to remember even the more developed sims such as X11 have their share of problems and bugs.
I personally fly X11 airbus, as FS2020 one is, let’s say, not the best.
Having an alternative can only be a good thing.
Thanks for the feedback @METEORObr, please keep an eye on the regular updates (including the one tomorrow) and we look forward to having you back anytime you are ready.
Couldn’t agree more. Am looking forward to all the exciting things in the works.