The V-22 Osprey from Miltech Simulations


Woke up this morning to some amazing news.

Miltech Simulations has been working on & will release their V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotorcraft on November 4th.

It will be releasing on ORBX first and the Marketplace in the following weeks.

Their Facebook

And twotonemurphy has a video on it:


Now that’s what I’m talking about!! Something totally unique and absolutely gonna be purchased by me!

Thank you for posting this :slight_smile:


So excited! My last time flying an Osprey was in “LHX Attack Chopper” from 1990. Looking much prettier on modern computers than the Tandy 286 PC I had in high school :rofl:


Another day one purchase, this sim is starting to heat up, I’d better save some coin


Wouldnt this necessitate a rework in about two weeks when MSFS introduces the proper… ummm… “backround stuff” for helicoters ?


Not necessarily. Depends how good the flight model is as it’s really a plane that can take off and land like a helicopter. The H145 is pretty ■■■■ good as it is.

I would agree (after 500+ hours of using it) that the latest H145 flight model is very impressive … given that so far there is no real heli support in MSFS.

So the MV-22 could fly very realistically even without SU11 fluid dynamics.

I have to say that I am really looking forward to this MV-22. It does look very nice and detailed and seems to be full featured. I wound guess that the effort to get the glass cockpit “close to the real thing” must have been a lot of work. And those rotor blade LEDs sure look amazing.

The H145 is almost perfect for “country sightseeing” … but it has two main aspects which I hope the MV-22 can do better:

  • long distance travel … e.g. between islands … at 100 ktas takes too much time
  • a max altitude of approx 20.000 ft makes it impossible to use the H145 in places like Tibet etc.

I am convinced that the MV-22 will make a big difference in those places … and I will still be able to use those very short airstrips on those islands … to get a tea time break.

Exciting development.


I’m curious how the flight model will be. Especially edge cases like vertical flight and bringing throttle down on one engine - what will happen?

You can’t bring one throttle down, as there is only one throttle. The Osprey has a special gearbox arrangement to prevent loss of rotor speed on one side following an engine failure. I don’t think it can hover on only one engine, but it can make a rolling landing.


100% will be buying this on release, looks great! the lighting as well.

Want to support the devs as hopefully we can get some real nice military aircraft in this sim that is not just fighters and trainers.

Something like a A400M would be amazing.


That gearbox is a interesting … yet highly risky aspect. There seem to have been a number of Osprey crashes related to it.

Sometimes it seems that one of the clutches in the gearbox can “slip”
… which then for a short time results in asymmetric trust
… and if this happens in hover during final approach
… then it seems to often result in a fatal crash

There are some scary videos out there on YouTube … for example:

I do not expect to see such clutch failures in the virtual Miltech version. But vortex-ring-state seems to be included. So I look forward to seeing what the MV-22 will do in that case.

If this Osprey is really good, I would actually delete XP.
The V22 in XP is also only fairly cobbled together, but it’s still my favorite module.

Available now at OrbX. I just picked up the bundle with the Amphibious Ready Group and USS George Bush.


Nice! Hopefully, I’ll be able to pick it up on Xbox with the next MP drop.

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First flight had to be from MAS Miramar…

I thumped it on the deck the first time… I must remember to push for power when in the hover!


…the Osprey will be released after SU12 on Xbox…
The MV-22 needs WASM …

Is it any good? A lot of the avionics menu selection was blanked off on the only pre-release vid I could find. I want to get it but have been stung a few times before with aircraft that I’ll never use again due to poor flight modeling.

I’ve not seen anything confirming that.

Source: Miltech Simulations Facebook comments!

WASM isn’t coming until next year. Miltech says the Osprey is coming to Xbox in a few weeks.

There’s conflicting comments saying the Amphibious Pack needs WASM, but the aircraft itself doesn’t. Now I’m just getting my hopes up. :sob:

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