The wind again, but a "new" question

I know that the live weather issues has been discussed and acknowledged already, but I just can’t figure out how this affects the ATC wind call-outs.

It’s known that live weather isn’t injected properly and that is easy to confirm by looking at the indicated wind in the G1000 for instance. But what about ATC?

Yesterday I was experiencing calm winds (3kt) at a location where it should have been blowing around 20kt. However, when I was about to land the ATC reported a 15kt wind! Very confusing I must say and I wonder how this could be. Is live weather working as it should for ATC, but not for the rest of the sim?

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Just a thought that crossed my mind. Perhaps we are dealing with two different “weathers” that the sim uses. The one that comes from meteoblue and is injected into the sim and the old FSX ATC still using METARS.

That could explain the discrepancy between actual weather (meteblue) and weather as reported by ATC.

I’m still sort of confused about it as well especially since the weather is working beeter, more accurate than never before in France since the release dates and wind issues by tones! … which makes me more confused because it’s getting better since the last patch where nothing was mentioned about the engine weather ? + now it matches in a better mood with the real METAR (in france/England/Italy based on my own lastest experiences until today METAR in front in order to compared objectively by facts) and especially when I check the wind of the map via Aeroweb… now I have even turb on final which I never had before since days in the similar weather conditions? How come? i won’t complain about it of course but since it’s getting better (based on METAR and even forecast for long VFR distance) it’s very different than what the ATC says so imagine my confusion!


people that have done more in depth testing seem to conclude there is an effect like a “bubble” of calm wind around the aircraft with this bug. thats why you get that weird behavior with atc, etc. like you can taxi over towards a windsock and it will go limp

I don’t think this has anything to do with some sort of bubble. The windsock when fully horizontal is in its default non-animated state (unless the wind is so strong that it actually will be fully horizontal). This state is depicted after a quite ridiculous short distance. What you experience when coming closer is that the windsock starts to get animated and suddenly drops from fully horizontal to what the sim weather tells it to do. You can change the non-animation distance in the windsock.xml file.

Not sure if I believe the bubble theory, but as I see it, the windsock is no evidence for it but another issue that gives the experience of bubble, but is in reality unrelated to it.

On another note,
I really hope the weather update will bring ATC, ATIS and depicted weather in line with each other, contrary to now, where, at least for the US, winds are broken and so is the alignment of ATC, ATIS and the sim weather read outs.