When I try to come back to the main menu after a fly the game crashs again and I am sent to the desktop.
That means each time I want to fly a new flight I have to relaunch MSFS…
Any idea?
Thank you.
Are you using FSUIPC7? I have experienced this the first time today. The only new thing for me was using that program so I am curious if you are as well.
If you have FS Academy - IFR instrument flight training missions installed, update to v1.2 from your place of purchase.
thank you for your answers.
Yes I always use FSUIPC7.
And yes I have FS Academy. I will install the update ; thank you for the advice.
Any advice to replace FSUIPC7 ?
So the problem comes again and again.
I have deactivated FSUIPC7 and other addons (navigraph etc) but when I try to come back to the main menu after a fly the game crashes always and I have to relaunch the game in order to do another fly.
Any Idea to solve this issue?
Thank you.
did you try emptying the community forlder completely? Just to rule out that it’s a mod that is causing it?
wow ! You solved my problem few mns ago! I have emptying the community folder ( fs Academy - ifr lessons 1.2 and ESD Talkeetna PATK v 1.0.1 MSFS downloaded thru the game) and it works now perfectly.
I will try to identify which one of the add ons is causing the issue.
Anyway thank you so much for you help.
it was FS Academy 1.2 ifr lessons which caused the issue.
Good to know, thanks for investigating.
Take care