Things you wished developers would do

I hear that. I flew that freeware Convair 240 as much as any pay ware. Loved that plane.

Part of the problem is the project system design. Path and file names aren’t unique so they can inadvertently be overridden. The problem is compounded by the project editor not creating quasi-unique names; i.e., the whole modellib.bgl fiasco should have been impossible with better tooling.

It would probably be better to associate files with a GUIID (maybe do that in layout.json) so that add-ons would have to be very explicit if they actually intend to override a file.

Meanwhile, the whole load order thing compounds the nightmare. Again, this seems like a bad system; i.e. Navigraph shouldn’t have to constantly fight for position in content.xml. It would be better if developers could ask for a level of control and users could agree to it on install.

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I wish that
1)They would at least try to improve the standard aircraft(most of them are a complete joke ATM)
2)I dont want to see world updates UNTIL they get the base program working properly.
3)About 9 months ago,I lost 1103 hours on my logbook-I would like those hours back.

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We are not talking about Asobo in this thread. We are talking about ALL developers including the ones producing the bad aircraft

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There’s a request for such a thing here if you’re interested in giving it a vote.

Great idea. Voted!

I had no idea, glad to hear it is in the works. Thanks.

It’s only in the works for the Premium/Deluxe aircraft, as far as I understand, not third-party planes from Marketplace. Thus the request above to consider allowing developers the option to have those files unlocked for their marketplace planes. That’s a different request (because I believe legally MS would have to get developer permission, and couldn’t just do it as an update), thus the topic and vote, to hopefully get it under consideration.

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I wish developers would include an avionics system that isn’t a Working Title Garmin unit. If you choose to be lazy and just throw in another GNS 430 you’re not getting my money.

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:smiley: Well in this case I wish for a Fenix Airbus A350-1000.
One of the most beautyful airliners on the market.

Ah and this virtual cockpit also shows why we will never have a simulated Airbus A350: All the buttons and a lot of cockpit stuff seems to be classified, and not allowed for anyone to see. Wishing for an A350 is like wishing for a fully simulated F-117 Nighthawk back in 1983!

Man, it was 1991 but I loved Nighthawk Stealth Fighter on MS-DOS! That was real for then! Shocking how far we’ve come in “only” 30 years.


What I would REALLY like to see is the in game menu item (like the weather or weights, etc) show up as an iPad or some other type of tablet interface rather than the “cheap” pop-up that it currently is. I find that in using the in game menu totally breaks immersion. Should be a simple coding fix too

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For me it’s the interactive walk-around.

Something like a virtual cockpit but inside out, where you can click/check/interact with various things around the exterior of the airplane.

Tech is probably already implemented, just make a second “cockpit” and make it to be exterior of the aircraft instead of the interior.


You mean like just chuck a A320 or 787 on autopilot, then go to economy and watch the infligjt entertainment
 play a bit of mini putt, or watch the latest movies, annoy passenger’s by having the shades open on the sun up morning side and have it stream through and brighten everyone’s IFE screen :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This is just a bad 3D render. Don’t read too much into it.

You can find numerous pictures+videos of the A350 cockpit without any censoring, as well as a full FCOM online. It isn’t more or less classified than other modern airliners. Just harder to find manuals because they are mostly electronic and there are fewer planes out there than say an A320.


All in game marketplace purchase are encrypted and have a DRM. It’s not the developers’ choice.

If you want the plain files, buy it externally (the developper website, simmarket, aerosoft, etc.)

Apart from the ease of buying, the marketplace has only disadvantages:

  • Prices are often higher.
  • if not, you aren’t supporting the developper as much (Microsoft take a percentage of the sale price)
  • Longer update process (they have to be reviewed by MS before being pushed). you have to wait several days more while those who bought it directly get instant update.
  • Encrypted files = no modding.
  • Addons are linked to your game purchase, if you ever want to buy another version of the game, you’re screwed.

You basically don’t really “own” what you bought.

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No more purchases from the market for me. I have a few aircraft parked, that I will not fly until I can adjust a few things.

I have been editing these files for over almost 3 decades, so I know what I am doing, but this business model tells me that when the ATR comes out from Asobo, I will wait on the Milviz version. They are hurting themselves bad.

Ah now this is great news!!
I really thought the A350 is fully classified and Fenix can therefore never bring an absolute awesome study-level A350.
Now there is hope agein! Yesternight I have seen a video from the basement of the A350, there is a whole data center down there when climbing down a small hatch in the cockpit :smiley: Pilots who get a little bit chubby when getting (or becoming?) 50, or claustrophobic people, will have a serious problem going down this hatch, but down there it feels like entering the guts of a giant computer.

Unfortunately this isn’t possible yet as clickspots are disabled on the exterior. It’s something we’d love to include in our aircraft if/when Asobo enable exterior clickspots.

Martyn - Just Flight

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I would like to see the Convair C-240 released in MSFS 2020 or even 2024. I would be a big step for us piston pounders.