Hi there,
I am thinking about upgrading to either the deluxe or the premium? Which is the best of the two and how large is the files to be installed? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You’ll be wasting your money.
If you like the graphics and scenery you don’t have to. If you think the planes will give you more satisfaction then you don’t have to because they didn’t.
Waste of money currently. Wait until the bugs in these airplanes are fixed.
As an early adopter, I can also advise you that your money would be better spent on 3rd party stuff. The airports are pretty good but still not what I would call “high” quality, and the aircraft are sadly lacking at this point in time.
I’ve got the premium deluxe. I got it for a few airports and the 787 was my biggest motivation. I would wait it out a bit longer. The 787 isn’t worth the extra money and the handcrafted extra airports while good aren’t adding that much to my experience. Save the money for now and if they offer serious updates for the additional stuff, then consider it.
If GA is your thing, most definitely do not upgrade to either of the other versions. If jets are your thing and the current three in Standard aren’t scratching that itch, as others have said, wait. If or when you do upgrade, do the full monte and get Premium Deluxe.
For me, I’m perfectly fine with Standard and have no plans to upgrade.
Thanks guys for your info…BTW what are some good 3rd party paid addons?
I have Deluxe Premium since day 1. The best airliner is the B787-10 and the A320 and neither of these work right now, so don’t buy it. The airports aren’t worth it either. Just wait a few until someone can force Asobo to decrypt the premium plane files and get properly fixed by others, not Asobo. They clearly struggle with making planes. Let Asobo focus on what they are good at, new world fixes, updated maps, better elevation, new cities and points of interest, cloud rendering, ice rendering, etc.
I fully concur on the answers to this thread. On the front of it, it sounds worth it. But, given it is not Asobo’s intention to create study level aircraft, and, in fact, they are struggling with understanding flight dynamics at all, Yes, wait till some super nice third party planes have been developed.
I’m pretty happy with the Mooney and PA44 from Carenado, but, I’m pretty easy to please, and I wasn’t expecting study level, just something close so I could get to know the airplanes. Not to mention, their biggest selling point for me was they are steam gauges, and they have the default GNS530 in them. There’s a super great mod available for the default 530 now, and that’s the same GPS in the plane I’ve been renting, so it’s been great to practice with it (and the Garmin trainer).
Yeah, to echo the other posts here, if you already have the base version, and are considering updrading: Don’t. There this literally nothing worthwhile in the upgraded versions. The planes that aren’t C172 clones are all broken, and the airports are all massively outdone by payware. For the same cost as the base game it’s not worth it. Honestly it’d barely be worth it at $5-$10 until (lol, more like if) the planes get fixed. Save yourself a few bucks, or just buy a few local airports and maybe the PA44 and you’ll have 10x the quality content.
NOT worth it. I wasted my money. I only fly modded airplanes that come with the standard version. Seriously, hold onto your cash.
Don’t do it. I have the Premium Deluxe but stock liners and the Longitude are unserviceable (I only use the A32NX mod) and airports are just nice but don’t have what is really needed to fly online that is taxi signs and visible parking numbers. No no no… save your money.
I agree with you rp, I think it’s better to wait and see
If I was you I would wait, better spend on hardware