This is how MFS 2024 runs on Series X

Interesting that given the fact that there is quite a large number of developers they do not seem to see the XBox graphical issues right away. They don’t seem to try and test on XBox, none of them :sob:


I bet they have done testing only on PC and the PS5. The Xbox Series has now gone the way of the Dreamcast. Clean it up, store it away and hope that some collector wants to pay way too much for it in ~20 years


PS5? It runs only on PC and Xbox. And yes, I believe they tested mostly on PC although may have done some testing on Xbox - but likely only in the small GA aircraft for some reason.

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Correct, most dont xbox test, they use a pc with an xbox emulation program, which does everything except limit the memory of the pc to series x/s levels.
Both Asobo and 3rd party devs mostly use this method. However there are a very few 3rd party devs who as part of the partnership programme do use outside xbox testers connected to their community folders via an MS applied testing program.

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If they tested on PS5 instead of the Xbox that would explain a lot :joy::sweat_smile:


What is the issue with the cursor? You have to press RB+LS to activate it in 2024. Not sure why it changed from 2020. Or is there another issue with it?

Why is the game not being tested on a Series X especially? It is a Microsoft title after all and primarily developed for the Xbox so it seems really silly to me that they would not extensively test this on an Xbox prior to release.

We users are just that: users of the product. We are not working for or get paid by MS/Asobo to test out their product. That is plain bad practice!

Until they sort out this nonsense, I will continue to get many hours of enjoyment out of MSFS '20.


I agree - but it’s actually more than this as far as I’m concerned.
What I mean is thst as one of the biggest differences between a full on PC and Xbox is thst we don’t have the ability to tweak very much, we actually have to trust the dev team to ensure the sim runs properly on Xbox. They have not done this and so have let us down.
Now even on Xbox, it’s difficult to have a “one size fits all” configuration but it is possible to have a few optional controls - traffic, static aircraft, fauna, weather, etc that we can tweak dependent on type of experience ( e.g, airliner vs VFR GA). Because of that dependency on them, the devs really should spend a little more time evaluating the sim on COTS devices before releasing - we can’t unwind what we are given so the devs must accept that they have a great deal of responsibility towards Xbox users - and need to put a good process in place to take this on properly.


Apparently they do actually test on actual Xbox. However I very much doubt that they’ve tried to do a gate to gate flight in the A330-300 PAX from say Stansted to Munich on the Xbox. If they had, they would never have included the passenger cabin on airliners for Xbox and wouldn’t be telling us that there wasn’t a problem


I can’t understand why they’ve included it, when they were excluded on 2020 (more than likely for this very reason)

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Well, I’m not disputing what you’re saying here but how do you explain the glaring disparity between FS2020 and 2024 on Xbox when we talk about visual fidelity and performance? These two aspects alone are SO much better in 2020, so what went wrong in 2024?


Well you make a very good point. I wish I knew more….
It hasn’t always been plain sailing on Xbox in MSFS 2020… the saga with the last SU showed up the very same sort of issues we see now - a lack of testing on commercially available machines (again)
My own view is that the sheer scale of ambition with MSFS2024 was just not achievable - it’s full of new features and brilliant ideas but the project wasn’t properly scoped or assessed for quality, this time the lack of testing on commercially available Xboxes led to the release of broken software. It feels to me as though the devs are full to the brim with good ideas and ambition to take the sim forward and onto new platforms - but they seem to me to lack the project management and QA disciplines to finish what they started. Improvements here would make a real (and good) difference to their outputs. Don’t think I’ve answered your point though….

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They just needed to start FS2024 on XBox and have lots of bugs within the first five minutes:

  • start of FS2024 on my XBox X takes ages (usually I see the “movie” 3 times minimum)
  • start in a plane and get the mouse error by viewing around
  • take a ride and observe that the graphics is lousy: blurryness, aliasing, flickering, lod loading delays…
  • try using an joystick with a TCA Airbus stick & quadrant and observe how impossible it is to get it to work a tiny bit let alone swapping it to other devices like the TB VelocityOne flightstick etc

As I said 5 minutes of testing (not counted the time it takes to start FS2024). And still MS/Asobo doesn’t fully recognize the issues.
I’m back to FS2020 for the moment until may be till the end of the year they have some fixes to this pile of cr…
According to the endlessly repeated messages from MS all the problems with FS2020 on XBox (Memory, response, lod etc) should be gone with FS2024 which is obviously not the case.


Testing on Xbox would have consisted of:

  • Start FS2024 - on the first builds once the servers settled, this happened in under 1 minute
  • Peripherals wouldn’t have been used. Xbox controller only
  • Looks pretty decent in the C172 G1000 that they would have tested with
  • Again, wouldn’t have tested peripherals that weren’t an Xbox controller

I’m always shocked when an update comes out (AAU3 for example) and I find bugs within seconds of loading in (A20N v2 cockpit lights) but none of this is picked up in testing. It’s as though they add a few lines of code and compile it. If it doesn’t give any errors it’s fine and no testing is done


This is unrelated but can someone please explain why the beta is no longer accessible on Xbox Series X?

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Yes, same here

Because it’s finished??

If it has disappeared then I’m going to guess it’s because it’s so unstable with constant CTDs

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[Forum post](

I just deleted msfs2024. Back to 2020.

It was not meant to be for Xbox in the first place. Such a ■■■■ show. I wish they had the dignity not to have it for xbox originally. All those beautiful snapshots and videos just to make us Xbox users envy the PC guys more.
Enough with polygon ground crews with no arms. Done with airports with no terminal buildings.