Well said! I’m at the point in my life where updating and maintaining a PC every 6 months has no appeal to me. I can play and do just about everything I want to on console. It may not work for all, but it works for some of us.
I’ve had none of those issues on Xbox? It’s been smooth for me and I can click around freely without issues.
5000 less in the queue…so yeah it’s not much, but this was more of a least passive aggressive way of saying that I was angry that I had to wait for a few days to get my License Key for a product promised as day one access…that is all.
is there any plane where light are functioning?
still find no flood lights or even instrument lights are working properly on so many aircraft, also find a lot strange light behavior like here where some buttons are grey like heavily and directly lit while other knobs in the same panel are dark
that’s just the last minor (i have way more performances problem) bug or issue i found, and they seems to keep coming
the overall feeling now is of a very sloppy and bloated product
You Tube reviewers are masters of fake, that is all they do with their fancy equipment that they get for free, and they are never going to put down the software, that they also get for free. That is why they live on YouTube, get paid and get stuff for free, specially Hardware. Every time they post any video about any of it, they received it for free, that is free advertising for manufacturers, and if any criticism is due is very mild and they leave that to the user, they do not hurt the provider’s feeling. Listen to the users, not the YouTube publishers they are bought by freebies.
I’m in still that club, but CPU and GPU don’t sit too high - around 30% and 48% respectively…
What bugs me is the note "Loading SimObjects (0/0) - is there somewhere a division by zero that breaks the startup?
That is not the case for all people who review games on YouTube. I was watching one yesterday where he doesn’t cut the loading screen freeze etc. He clearly shows how dreadful the release was. But I am guessing he didn’t get any free equipment or game from MS/Asobo.
I am so sorry this is not going well. I had high expectation for FS2024. I have a good friend who is a computer “GEEK” and was with me when I tried to download and install FS2024. He was simply amazed at all the problems I encountered and told me that someone had “dropped the ball” when it came to preparing for this “event”.
Oh well complaining is not going to get the problems solved so we will have to rely on the “creators” to get it all sorted out. Hopefully it will not take too long.
All I want to do is fly!!!
My son is a Youtube reviewer and he gets no compensation or special access if he reviews a MS product. Sometimes obscure small companies will gift him something but he is fully honest about his impressions. Don’t lump everyone in.
I’ve never actually been able to load into an airport with any airliner yet!
Slowly, definitely improving now! Had a few flights around Wiltshire. It’s better now, perhaps it’s because it’s the weekend. Less use on Asure Servers??
I still feel like Beta 2024…we need maybe one year until it mature. Now many bugs. I’m sure it’s gonna improve over the years.
Like 2020 also needed a long time until it was good.
Alpha 2024 more like.
That does look better. What area is this in please?
Hypothetically, if FS2024 had been called FS2025 and there was to be another year of development, based on an alpha/beta phase running from now, would you participate? I’m fairly sure that I would.
Of course, we wouldn’t have been charged for another year, but buying eventually would probably be a given anyway.
I have no doubt your lad is a gooden. But this youtuber thing gets corrupted very easily.
Whats inherent in most big business (where competition is fierce) or where you have predatory types at the top, is they will do anyhting within their power and grasp to alter perceptions in their favour. Goes without saying really.
In gaming and youtube land, many soon realise that success and advancement means getting some kind of special access or special products, early per-releases, prototype equipment, inside scoops and “controlled leaks”. Not to mention the free lavish gear they get given with conditions attached. All these perks only come their way if that channel is overwhelmingly “positive” optimistic, supportive and ultimately dishonest - when the products are sometimes ■■■■. It has to be said. Most folks see this a mile away, its nothing revealing.
Many youtubers no doubt start out with good intentions, but soon realise good things come to those who tow the line. I mean, isnt this the story of our times? Tow the line, and get rewarded. There are going to be honorable exceptions of course, but suck-ups routinely get rewarded. Its a mechanism thats being taken advantage of.
These youtubers (again with honorable exceptions) sell the consumer out, for their own greed, status and advancement. And big tech companies love it.
I simply don’t understand their reasoning here, they know their numbers, they’ve been telling us MILLIONS of players and yet they set themselves for just 200k!?! It’s extremely naive and that’s not without the fact this game is in such a poor state regardless of server issues.
Near Devizes, Wiltshire, UK.
The aviation experience that our trusted partner Asobo Studio created alongside other first party development teams is the best we have ever made.
- Jorg Neumann, Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator
November 25 Update
OMG they don’t get it. I’m sure they are completely misreading the room.
The core aviation experience in 2024 as it stands at the moment is an absolute mess. It needs so much work to bring it to the level of MSFS 2020 right now.
I sincerely hope the dev livestream tomorrow takes a competely different approach, apologises for the absolute mess that was delivered, and gives a clear roadmap to delivering what we were all promised and yet have not received.
If it’s more self congratulatory nonsense then we’re doomed.
They certainly did not “get it” .
“We are pleased to see that so many players enjoyed Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 over the weekend. The capacity issues we encountered at launch were tied to overwhelming interest and access to the online servers – completely separate from the simulator itself. The aviation experience that our trusted partner Asobo Studio created alongside other first party development teams is the best we have ever made. The team is very grateful for your patience and we will continue to embrace your feedback and improve the simulator for years to come. Blue skies ahead.”
Blue skies ahead??? - Certainly NOT for the foreseeable future,