Not my terms - TM posted this “Abnormal Procedure” link on their Facebook Page to indicate that as of 22-OCT, the quadrant is still not fully compatible with MSFS 2020. Read on for your information. (Link is to a TM PDF)
Thanks a lot for the information. Appreciated ! So it seems that Asobo has to add support. Let’s hope this comes with the next patch
Much appreciate this link information. Very timely. Thank you.
Well, this makes my delayed to November shipping email sting a bit less.
hopefully those hardware brands can somehow cooperate with Asobo, otherwise this will get lowest prio ever
there is new firmware available on the website of Thrustmaster for the throttle quadrant. i still have to try it though
A bit disappointed by the Quadrant. It’s hard to set it up properly. By the way, overall quality is good
Installed all firmware upgrades, but still the same…you have to wait to the next FS2020 Update…My Airbus pack also arrived today…
I have made guide on reddit on how to set up the reverse thrusters to work properly.