Thrustmaster rudder pedal random fail

I’ve had this specific issue with the pendular pedals. It seems for me that when I’m taxiing after a flight and clicking on the ATC window to respond, it’s like the ATC window becomes dominant over the other controls (like right mousing holding in VR and the joystick axes stop working until letting go of right click.) It happened to the throttles too. The way it started working again was clicking off the ATC window for me, on anything else arbitrarily. Then all of a sudden, pedals are back. (Don’t tell the tower, but I’ve run over a few taxi lights because of this nuisance!) :shushing_face:

Yes. For X & Y (pitch and roll) it does.

But rather than also use a contactless magnetic sensor for the z axis (rudder) Thrustmaster decided to use a potentiometer. - it’s this component which fails.

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I had another rudder failure today. By the time I got the control panel up it seemed to be working okay.

I’ve since disabled it on the yoke as I could see unwanted activation there anyway.

I’ve seen that too, but it only happens when undocked to a second monitor for me. What I see is the rudder actually fluttering and randomly responding.

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