Thrustmaster Warthog throttle Not working after SU5 what so ever

In the settings it finds it but in sim the Throttle itself is unresponsive. Its not working what so ever Around 2 mins after take off

Welcome to the club…Microsobo bricked the sim for a great number of PC players.
Put their Zendesk under fire.

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I am so mad right now…How did they mess this up ?

Just flying with it right now. Works perfectly with the TBM and the FBW Airbus.
There is a guy in a german FB group where the Airbus throttle doesn´t work as well. So whatever it is, its not happen to everyone.

Oh, me too! It’s absolutely beyond me how they not properly separated the Xbox version from the PC version. Well, of course it’s related to money obviously. This is a Frankenstein’s update.

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I had the same with my warthog setup. I did notice in the controls menu that there were yellow asterix’s against the joystick and throttle.
Non of my previous bindings seemed to be there either - I cycled through each variation of settings that I have for different aircraft (on joystick and throttle) and then suddenly my former bindings appeared and now everything seems to work again - until I find some thing else!!

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Iv not seen any yellow asterix’s against the joystick and throttle…My flight stick works fine…My thottle tho goes unresponsive around 2 mins after take off

I even cleaned my old profile for the throttle and started a new one, Same thing happens.

After more testing the throttle goes unresponsive when your holding your right mouse button in to look around…This has only been a problem since SU 5…Hope this is fixed soon

Go into controls and cycle through all the profiles. I even did it with the keyboard.

Only thing I’ve noticed is the “right click and drag” cockpit view has changed mechanics somewhat. Not terrible, just different.

hmmm… works for me… but I noticed my seperate profile for the “mouse” became invalid and I have to re-create it.

PS: I also used the right mouse button to look around without issue