Time Machine's Hadrian's Wall

For a helicopter pilot like me with an interest in history, this looks like a brilliant add-on. Looking on YouTube at the way it was produced, it seems as accurate as one could imagine. But what’s stopping me from using it is my ignorance of what else it will do. Please help. The creators explain that it follows track of the wall and elevation and also hides modern scenery details like towns which would interfere with Time Machine’s graphics of the wall. I’m concerned about how much of the wonderful parent graphics from Asobo that will hide. Once I install Time Machine’s Hadrians Wall, how much resident stuff from Asobo will I lose? For example will I no longer be able to see Carlisle airport and the bridges over the Tyne?

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Why not try it, and if you don’t like it, remove it?



Why not try it, and if you don’t like it, remove it?

Because I don’t know what it will do! I don’t know if I’ll be able to remove it after the purchase.

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@CabriG28724 TMD’s Hadrian’s Wall 180 is a great product. It is a “must have” for anyone who is a history buff.

If you use an app like MSFS AddonsLinker, you can turn it on or off whenever you feel like it.


Its just a folder in the community folder. You can simply remove the folder, or as suggested above, use addon linker and enable / disable it as you want.


Thanks for your help folks. Not quite solved yet - having decided to buy the product, I’ve just paid for the TMD HW180 and everything went smoothly until I downloaded what I expected to be the product along with an installation .exe file. All I got was a handful of pictures. Can anyone explain?

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It must be because its currently only pre-order.


@CabriG28724 and @REDHER0N Thanks for the headsup. I just purchased my copy via this webpage: https://www.timemachinedesigns.co.uk/p/hadrians-wall-180/

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The full spec for the first release of HW180 is a focus on the military aspects of the wall, including

  • 73 miles of Roman Wall, accurately following the terrain of northern England
  • 158 turrets
  • 78 Milecastles
  • 18 individually modelled legionary forts plus two Romano-British villages
  • 3 Roman bridges with corrected river courses
  • Over 140 unique building models
  • Over 5,000 terrain modifications to clear the route of the wall, including opening up an eleven mile long “park” through the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  • A User Guide that includes background about Hadrian’s Wall and the HW180 design process

Those 5,000 modifications are “surgical” and take out individual buildings, roads, woods etc. In each case we have then done our best to retexture the areas removed.

You will see be able to see Carlisle Airport (in fact it is a one of four recommended departure points for a tour of the Wall) and all of Newcastle other than the eleven mile long strip that now sits above the line of the Wall.

One of our aims is to place Hadrian’s Wall - and future sites - in their modern context so that you can see how they relate to the modern world.

For Newcastle this looks like:

Hope that helps.


Hello again @CabriG28724

I am afraid you found the site with its test files before were quite ready to go!

We will replace the test file with the actual file tomorrow morning GMT (11th Dec 2024) and then we should be good.

Apologies for the glitch!

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Shouldn’t they be called 0.935milecastles then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously congrats on the upcoming release mate!

It’s been a long road (or should that be “long wall”) to get there! I’ll be getting my copy asap too!


Haha, it would be so much easier if we were still using Roman miles!

And its even worse than that as they demolished two of the original ones to make way for forts.

Thanks, it certainly has been a project but it is great to be getting out to everyone.


Only Americans are known for measuring in very odd units. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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@PipsPriller Will TMD email an announcement with instructions for downloading the file, when it is available?

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That is the plan, I am just testing the final build now.

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I’m interested in this too. I’ve now downloaded the zipped .7Z folder. I don’t know what to do with it. Wondered whether to just drop it into the MSFS Community folder and hope for the best. But couldn’t see what’s in the .7Z folder so thought it safer to seek your advice.

Good Morning Brian, thank you for your patience. Hopefully this post will help!

Firstly, you’ll want to download the .7Z as you have done.

Next, you’ll want to Right-Click and hit Extract All as per the image

Once you have extracted the folder, please ensure that if you open it, the next thing you see is the Content Info and Scenery as per the image below. This just means that you’ve extracted it properly

Now, go back up so what you see is the unzipped “tmd-hadrians-wall” and drag that into the Community folder

Now, open MSFS 2020 and you should see it on your world map

If you have any other queries, do not hesitate to ask. I’ll keep this forum open throughout the day, so I’ll get back to you ASAP!

HW180 Team


Thanks Mark, that is a much better explanation than mine (deleted above :grinning: ).

Hadrian’s Wall 180 “Early Access” Release"

Hi all, whilst we get everything in place for the Marketplace release I also wanted to confirm that Hadrian’s Wall 180 is now available for direct purchase from the Time Machine Designs website.

This version includes:

  • 73 miles of Roman Wall, accurately following the terrain of northern England
  • 158 turrets
  • 78 Milecastles
  • 18 individually modelled legionary forts plus two Romano-British villages
  • 3 Roman bridges with corrected river courses
  • Over 140 unique building models
  • Over 5,000 terrain modifications to clear the route of the wall, including opening up an eleven mile long “park” through the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  • A User Guide that includes background about Hadrian’s Wall and the HW180 design process

We will be using the expected lead time to the full Marketplace release to add extra features, hence this “Early Access” release.

We look forward to seeing you over the Wall.




Thanks Mark, perfect clarification, no need for further questions from me. It’s now on board here and working as you all meant it to. You have all done a great job. I flew slowly east from Carlisle examining everything all round. Eventually landed at Vindolanda as the sun went down. The rest will be done later and I’m not going to rush.