Tobii Not Working At All in MFS 2024

WOW!!What an effort and time spent to do this,Time that should have been spent enjoying the sim in its out of the box state.As for the GUI,it appears that someone was given instructions to break it in order to fix it.I will not swear or curse or waste energy on doing Asobo’s job for them,neither will I fall into the trap of beta testing their product.I’ll just wait and continue to use 2020 which was in a far better state at launch…

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Tried that this afternoon,my new profile along with the others,are not in .xml they’re all in code which like all code in notepad is random characters and symbols.So I was unable to use this dodge…

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You need to check other files. The first one or two will often be garbled.

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I checked and checked but they were all garbled,including the new profile I’d created.I wonder,if since patch three the files may be compressed or horror of horrors,encrypted to stop us messing with them…

No, the controls profiles are not encrypted or compressed and the default at the least should be there. Try to make a new profile (dont close the sim) and sort on modified date in folder options

I contacted Tobii support to be told this is a 100% Microsoft issue. It has been almost 2 months now. Come on MS and get this fixed.


No, you have to duplicate the default Tobii Profile first to get it as a file

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By new I meant duplicating ofcourse, there are no other options to make a “new” profile.

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I am still hoping we get the in-sim settings of Tobii 5 working as they should and like it did in 2020.

I got frustrated from editing the XML as I did not get the result I want even with the tips and tricks of the values x100 etc. Closing FS, tweaking an XML and opening it…

Now I use Opentrack as a temporary solution as it was recommended here on the forums. It works but only for head tracking. It does not seem to use the capability of eye tracking in the Tobii 5.


Of course the latest patch reset my XML file.

Editing it made tracking nearly perfect. Now I have to go back in and edit it again.

Very annoying, and I shouldn’t even need to do it.