Too few keybinding options?

Hey all!

For a while now I have been making my own small flight panel using an Arduino and a number of switches.

I’d like to use this especially for a cold start in an A320 and not for lights etc.

So I just spent some time finding the keybindings that I’m going to need. I searched for the following features:

  • APU Start
  • APU Master Switch
  • APU Bleed
  • Engine 1 Bleed
  • Engine 2 Bleed
  • Battery 1
  • Battery 2
  • CTR Pump
  • TK Pump
  • Engine Master 1
  • Engine Master 2
  • Landing Gear
  • Parking Brake

I expected all these keybindings to be easy to find, but that turned out to be a bit premature. From the APU part I could find the APU Starter and APU Bleed but not the Master Switch…

When I moved on to the Battery section, it was even worse. The toggles for Master Battery 1, for example, just don’t work (?), When I use this, nothing actually happens, even after a lot of trying with other keys. The same goes for the Engine Masters.

I couldn’t find both TK and CTR pumps in the settings so that seems completely impossible.

I actually expected that for these buttons keybindings were available because they all belong to the startup sequence of the A320, or you have to use CTRL + E of course…

Does anyone have any tips on how I could assign these buttons to my panel?



I also expected more bindings available trough the menu.

Check out-> FSUIPC, Mobiflight, SimConnect

1212578 15324 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65570 (0x00010022), Param= 0 (0x00000000) GEAR_TOGGLE
1249828 15324 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66300 (0x000102fc), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_STARTER1
1251500 15324 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66301 (0x000102fd), Param= 0 (0x00000000) TOGGLE_STARTER2
1398609 15324 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 65752 (0x000100d8), Param= 0 (0x00000000) PARKING_BRAKES

This is a huge problem for me also. Not those buttons, others related to the autopilot… I am using voice attack and was looking forward to the VR release… But I am worried that the lack of keybinding will make it difficult to use VR (with HOTAS or voice attack)…

Asobo must really make it possible to bind all functions to a key…

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I had the same problem. Batt 1 & Batt2 are clickable in the game, but you can´t assign them a button on your keyboard.
Thats the reason, why they will not work with Mobiflight. I also wrote with the Mobiflight guys on discord, but actually they can´t help.
MSFS is not ready for homecockpit yet. We can build small panels for lights, autopilot etc. but not a fullscale cockpit. Maybe we can already build a cockpit for smaller planes but not for airliner.
I also tried to find Fligt Director, but I can´t find it.

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Exactly, it really disappoints me there are so many options for comms etc. but the battery switches aren’t even properly working! You can turn those batteries off, but they will never turn on again, how’s that possible??

Just finished my flight panel, but I think I’ll just use it for auto spoilers/brakes and some lights :confused:

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Meanwhile I back to XP11 and the Toliss A319. I only use MSFS for short IFR flights.
Btw. I also can´t find the FD in the A320.

Does anybody have an actually keybinding or for the apu master switch? I am on Xbox series x and I cant find any assignment in the control menu. Thanks.