Too good to be true?

You’re not doing yourself a favor if the HDD is where the sim is stored.

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Excellent advice and a nice line in ‘potential builder’ currency.
You are a person after my own heart.

Best regards.

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Satiric Walk
At age 83 I am far removed from the teck age! My grandson built my first PC when I got involved in Simm flying. When I felt I needed a second one to house my G1000 screens I decided to take the plunge and try to build it myself. I had it running in seven hours with help from a few tutorials on You tube. My cost was $870. Cdn for the following components: Fractal Clear sided 5 fan case, MSI Pro Series B365mpro-vh m/b, 9th Gen Intel i5 9400 F, MSI Z370 GPU, 36 gig RAM, 700watts Power supply,1 gig Hard Drive, 280 SSD and an LG optical drive. Most parts bought at Canada Comp or Amazon.
Take the plunge, you will enjoy it and the satisfaction factor is great.


Great to see a person enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Clear skies to you.

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Save your money and build it yourself. The chosen GPU is too old now. In a few hours, Nvidia will launch GeForce RTX 3060 Ti for the same price. Read the first reviews online and make your decision.

Can’t thank everyone enough for the input. Think I’ve been convinced to order components and see if there’s someone around town who can build it. You guys have all been super helpful and supportive. I’m sure I’ll be checking back in with a question or three, but feel much better than I did 24 hours ago. Thank you!!

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Any time…

To further what I was speaking of, there is a Fakebook group where I live that is basically like a newspaper classified sections, people buy and sell things there, and also promote their services for housework, yardwork, etc… So joining a local group like that you could easily just post that you are looking for someone to assemble a new PC for you, and guarantee you you will get responses / offers. H

Always happy to offer advice if you need it. I don’t build professionally so to speak, but have built my own, and I very often use partpicker. I know enough to put everything together and try to find the compatible components :slight_smile:

I’m sure between this community, people can help you out.

I do get the feel to have someone build it though, and if it was $100 - $200 I would probably go for it, to save my wife on my back for messing up the house! But yeah, if they are charging that much I would have a go myself.

Good Luck!

ok sorry to bump the thread, but about to pull the trigger and figured i would make one last pass…

(looking to run on 1440)

-ryzen 5 5600x (this is i think my main question)
-rx 6800xt (16gb)
-32gb ram at 3600
-1tb SSD

thanks again to everyone for the help…

Hi SW,
You are reading my mind. That is the best configuration with the best price/performance ratio for the time being. And 2k resolution is the golden middle. As you can see, there is no hardware capable of running FS2020 with 4k resolution yet. So, I have the same components in my plan for future hardware upgrade.

That will be great for Flight Simulator. That processor has faster single thread performance than any Intel desktop CPU at stock speeds, and that’s the most important aspect for Flight Simulator as you’re most often “main thread limited”.

The trick is finding one that hasn’t been marked up by a scalper, and I wish you the best of luck. That’s not even the processor I wanted (hoping to get a 5900x or 5800x instead), but the 5600x came up on Amazon yesterday. I had been watching the feeds for days so I went for it. While I had one in my cart, it was taken away before I could finish the check-out process. Some folks have been able to just walk into stores and buy them, and others are camping in front of stores or waiting hours before open only to find them gone.

I’ll keep trying, but I keep telling myself that patience is a good thing. Flight Simulator needs at least months of work in its rough, early access state that it currently is. It’s going to take me months to get other peripherals like a VR headset, and the controls I want anyway. So if I can’t get a CPU/GPU before Rocket Lake is out by next Spring, or AMD Threadrippers, or the Geforce 3080 TI, that’s fine, I can totally wait.

awesome, thanks so much. and good luck in your build!

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excellent analysis and really appreciated.