Hi everyone,
I am struggling with quite a lot of the basics and note that the training in fix is reputed to be more thorough than in 2020. Is it a good idea for a rookie to go to fax for the training, now only £20 from steam?
??? FAX ??
FSX!! It is.
No not at all worth it. No simulator will truly “train you” as it is really up to the user to learn and explore everything. When I first got the sim, I didn’t know a n y t h i n g about how to fly an a320, and now I take them on sim flights all the time, and am constantly learning new things about systems and mechanics.
I would purchase MSFS, and explore resources online depending on what type of aviation you are interested in. If your an IFR airliner type of guy, look up tutorials on that aircraft! If your a GA person, look up tutorials on VFR navigation and flying GA aircraft! Both? Even better
One great playlist that teaches in depth the basics you need to get started is Doofer911’s series. It is linked here: FSX Tutorial: Basic Cockpit Introduction - Y
After you get through that, you should be set to actually be able to operate the aircraft. But be aware, one youtube series doesn’t mean perfection. I like to tell people, you never truly master aviation till youj are a pilot, and even then, you still are far from done regarding learning. Explore and make your simulation however deep and complex you’d like it to be. Use real life sectional charts and VFR rules, or use the ingame map and fly casually with autopilot, the choice is yours!
I had posted before on a simiilar topic, if you’re willing to spend the $20 on FSX and the $20 or so for this book on amazon. I still use the book to refresh my training/memory. Access to downloadable flights to load in FSX that the books author set up to fly with the written lessons. If I recall it comes with a CD with the flight plans on them, but if not they are downloadable from the net.
Just a suggestion, I have this book and even though it’s for FSX and a bit dated, aviation doesn’t change that much. It’s very informative and discusses pretty much everything you would need to know in flight sims, like how to fly IFR, approaches, read plates and procedures, etc. Lots of pictures and references as you go along. It’s about an inch and a half thick. Good bathroom reading material. It’s available at https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-Pilots-Training/dp/0764588222/ref=sr_1_1?crid=O925NM6BZLAK&dchild=1&keywords=microsoft+flight+simulator+x+for+pilots+real+world+training&qid=1602096502&sprefix=Microsoft+Flight+Simulator+X+For+Pilots%3A+Real+World+Training%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1
The downloadable flight plans that go with the tutorials in the book are available at https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Microsoft+Flight+Simulator+X+For+Pilots%3A+Real+World+Training-p-9780764588228 , and I did download them and put them in FS2020 folder but they don’t appear to work, but may work if you load them into something like littlenavmap and then export them out as FS2020 flights.
Posts like this are a prime reason I hope they bring back the ‘shared cockpit’ option, and soon! In the meantime, there are tons of 'How to" videos on YouTube.
There is an excellent “shared cockpit” APP for MSFS …
I saw it being used on a Twitch stream a few days ago, and it seemed to work flawlessly,
A little involved to set up as it is not “BUILT INTO” MSFS, but there are full instructions, and one you have done it the1st time, further times are easy. (Like most things in life)
I live on YouTube. Basically Google anything FS2020 (or truly flight in general related) related and they’ll be a video on the subject. I’ve subscribed to about 20 different YouTubers in the last 2 months. Enjoy the ride…
Unless you Google “MSFS VR” … nothing “yet”
Watch plenty of youtube videos helps.
Thanks everyone. I’ll persevere!
I concur on the book you mention. I no longer have FSX but still refer to the book to refresh my mind, since I am not a certified pilot. Good introduction to basics such as what makes an airplane fly. I haven’t gone through it lately, but there’s a whole section on flying the Cessna 172.
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