No cursor and can't use buttons on Turtle Beach Velocity One

Using flight stick with Xbox series x… I’m having a problem with stick effecting Xbox controller, no cursor and can’t use buttons to make choices. I remember Huddison mentioning this in his first review of stock. Does anybody have a solution to this annoying problem.

Same here, Just do a quick press on the main XBOX button and then press B to go back all done and back to be able to use controller and stick. I

Not happy with this stick.

Why central wheel cannot be used as zoom in and zoom out??

Trying to assign but no response

Really unhappy with the customization…

Even the central mouse button works bad.

Assign it to zoom in/out in the Controls Settings, and ensure that the menu within the Stick itself is set to where the trim wheel behaves as button presses rather than axis. Then you’ll be good. This is how I use it too.


Will try…thanks a lot

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