UK 'Bush Trip' missing and unable to find to install

I can’t seem to get the UK bush trip available. I have FS Premium Deluxe, all the World updates and patches installed.
I’ve followed the guide for ‘resetting’ and ‘Refreshing’ the install and the ‘Store’ - one of which D/L and installed everything all over again - which was large and took a while, removed all 3rd party content form the ‘Community’ folder etc. But the UK Bush Trip is still not there, nor is it available for an individual D/L from the store or showing in the ‘Content Manager’ as other Bush Trips do …

Anyone have any ideas ?

If I remember correct, it was no bushtrip but a spotlight event/landing challenge and was removed after the Benelux/France update. That’s common practice after every major update. I checked my backups, but could not retrieve it. Maybe someone else can.

Thanks for the reply - your brain is much better than mine.
I’m a bit confused by the WU3 description including the following ‘Also included with the update are a trio of new activities: an Iconic Flight in the Northern Isles and two diverse Landing Challenges’ - understood that to be a Bush Trip especially as the other WU have had one too.

How odd :confused:

We only had the Japan and the USA discovery flights. After the UK-update they changed it to iconic flights/landing challenges. I remember deleting the flight because I like more sightseeing than landing challenges in, for me, unfamiliar planes.

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I live in the UK and subscribe to the magazine PC Pilot. In the last edition (no 133) they made a tutorial available called ‘UK Discovery tour’. This came in the form of a dowload of a GPS Pln file called ‘Leg 1 Flight Plan St Just (EGHC) to Shoreham (EGKA)’. With this you can have a sort of bush trip except that unlike a bush trip, you can select the aircraft, season, weather, etc. It’s more of a sightseeiong tour. There are NO set stops but the route does go over/near airfields so you can opt to land at the intermediate stages. I hope that leg 2 will come with the next magazine.

Leg 1 Flight Plan St Just (EGHC) to Shoreham (EGKA).pln (12.4 KB)


Thats great - thank you

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