I have been using the Vision Jet a lot in career mode and I have been able to use RNAV and ILS approaches without any real issues. I wait until I have reached the IAF and use the APR (approach) button on the autopilot console, I think this is the correct thing to do. I get the grey GS or GP in the autopilot annunciator and these turn green when the glide path or slope are captured and the plane follows the vertical navigation.
However, twice now I have had issues activating the RNP approach into LOWI. Last night I used the RNP 08 Z approach and at no point was I able to activate the approach, the button appeared to do nothing, and nothing on the autopilot annunciator indicated an approach had been activated. Instead the AP seemed to be following the approach waypoints using VNAV altitude constraints. I was able to land visually so I don’t know how far down to the runway the AP would have taken me.
Is this the correct behaviour, user error or a bug?