Unable to click starter button for manual start in Cabri G2


Description of the issue: You can not click the starter button when doing a manual start in the g2. The starter is in a weird spot in the head of the collective. But even if you move your camera down there it never lets you click it (the governor switch next to it works though) I tried every which way to find an angle to press it; but to no avail.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue: Guimbal Cabri G2


How often does this occur for you : always

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes, Impossible to see or click the button

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• when click on the eyeball of the checklist step, the view does not show the switch. Therefore the user cannot use the mouse to press the starter

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


  • right mouse on the collective throttle section pushes the starter button,
  • Map a joystick button to “Depress Start button”

(And don’t forget to walk-around and remove the blade tip protectors, or the rotor clutch will just make noise and not engage the rotor.)