Unable to initialize nav on A320 Neo (Flybywire Sim Project version latest stable build)

Continuing the discussion from A320nx:

I’m sad- having issues all of a sudden where I am completely unable to get the FMC to align at all - and thus no vertical flight data on the ND. Did this suddenly get broken? The FMC itself is now dark as if turned off and even in flight, I cannot access any of the functions! Cannot initialize the navigation system using the three rotary knobs on the Upper Overhead. Any help greatly appreciated!

Hi, you need to get the latest build. This always happens if MSFS relases a new patch, that the MOD developers have to catch up with the changes and make the MOD working again.

Following a link, i tested a successful full ifr flight.


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Thanks for that- good tip and did make a significant improvement. I am coming from 737NG to the Airbus an not loving life. This new ‘master build’ is highly touchy. I am NOT enamored with the throttle detents, mainly because I have a crappy slider on my T16000m Thrustmaster Sidestick. I cannot get the throttle to maintain proper thrust during final, I am forever messing with spoilers trying to slow to 140 over the threshold. It’s a work in progress. Ugh. I appreciate the help though, very much. Thanks again.