Unable to load on a lot of the airports

I’m struggling with the same problem. Did all your advices. Only difference

Sceneryindexes folder I don’t have

And fs-base, I have additional folder

For the rest all advice followed as described above.

I did a full reinstall already because of this…… but still not working…


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There´s no need to reinstall full content. Just do a complete content rebuild (not only scenery indexes). Delete the following and let game regenerate them in a new launch:



Notice that game will take longer to load during this first launch and may appear as freezing in the loading screens. It´s just populating those folders again. Once done it will load main menu. Next launches will be normal and everything should be displayed again at world map.



Thanks a lot. Gonna give it a try!

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Hey thanks for the advice, after the Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8…… I have local state and then empty. Nothing else. Local cache is not there


Man you are my hero!!! These folders where in the roaming folder
Delete those, loading took little longer. Now working!!! Awesome. I love this community!

Thank you very much!


You are welcome. Nice news. Enjoy it!


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Hi, does anyone know how to fix this for Xbox?

Hi, I play MSFS20 on Steam on PC and am unable to find these files. Anyway you can give me instructions? Thanks.