Unable to remove frequencies for stock airports

In real life, there are no taxiway and formal parking in Gelephu Airport (VQGP). It is weird that the stock one generated an invisible taxiway which guide you towards the grassland nearby. I have deleted those fake taxiways and parkings, but I need to also remove the tower frequency as it will keep urging you to exit runway (There is a tower frequency for it, but the frequency for the stock one is not update). I tried to add a Multicom frequency instead with the current published frequency, and selected “deleteAllFrequencies” in devMode, but the old tower frequency still exist, and I have no clue to get rid of it. Here is part of my codes:

<Airport region="Asia" country="Bhutan" city="Sarpang" name="Gelephu" ident="VQGP" lat="26.88457222222222" lon="90.46416111111111" alt="300.89999999999998" magvar="0.040000" trafficScalar="1.000000" airportTestRadius="1000.00000000000000" applyFlatten="FALSE" isOnTIN="FALSE">
	<Com frequency="122.95" type="MULTICOM" name="Gelephu"/>
	<DeleteAirport deleteAllApproaches="TRUE" deleteAllApronLights="TRUE" deleteAllAprons="TRUE" deleteAllFrequencies="TRUE" deleteAllHelipads="TRUE" deleteAllRunways="TRUE" deleteAllStarts="TRUE" deleteAllTaxiways="TRUE" deleteAllBlastFences="TRUE" deleteAllBoundaryFences="TRUE" deleteAllJetways="TRUE" deleteAllControlTowers="TRUE" deleteAllDepartures="TRUE" deleteAllArrivals="TRUE" deleteAllPaintedElements="TRUE" deleteAllLightSupports="TRUE" deleteAllTaxiwaySigns="TRUE" deleteAllILSs="TRUE" deleteAllTerminalWaypoints="FALSE" deleteAllTerminalNDBs="FALSE"/>

Is there something getting wrong, or it is impossible to delete the frequencies for stock airports? In fact the city, airport name and ICAO code for stock airports are also unable to change, although I think it is just a minor problem

I can’t add GROUND and TOWER on my custom airport too. I think “deleteAllFrequency” has some problems at the moment.


<?xml version="1.0"?> <FSData version="9.0"> <Airport ident="EDDH" lat="53.633086" lon="9.993722" alt="12M" magvar="0.040000"> <Com name="Gelephu" frequency="122.95" type="MULTICOM"/> <Com name="ATIS" frequency="120.2500" type="ATIS"/> <Com name="GROUND" frequency="121.9000" type="GROUND"/> <Com name="TOWER" frequency="118.3000" type="TOWER"/> <Com name="APPROACH" frequency="119.7000" type="APPROACH"/> <DeleteAirport deleteAllFrequencies="TRUE" deleteAllTerminalNDBs="FALSE" /> </Airport> </FSData>