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Uploading: 20201224_074906.jpg…
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
I’ve restarted MSFS and my computer after the
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Uploading: 20201224_074906.jpg…
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
I’ve restarted MSFS and my computer after the
Similar/same issue here, at some point atc/vfr map/camera view windows that are popped out to an external window changed behavior, and resizing the window no longer rescales them. Very annoying as you can’t, for example, resize the ATC window to show all options without scrolling (especially since moving the mouse to the popped-out window steals focus from the sim and flight controls stop working while you mess around with scrolling the options). Now resizing any popped-out window just stretches the image/text, which is totally useless; it would be great to get the original functionality back.