Unable to run MSFS


I’m unable to run MSFS. When i click on the Icone, it takes me to the microsoft store. :unamused:


Real Deraps

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Thanks for your help but it 's still not working…it says “object not found”

It worked for me, check if you are typing correctly.

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Topic moved into #bugs-and-issues:performance for installation issues.

Hum still not working. Path not found because it does not exist. That’s the answer i have. To make sure i use the right typing, i copy and paste but doesn’t work.

Always paste into notepad. Then copy from there. Copying from a webpage has hidden characters sometimes. Also save the notepad file in a folder. Mind is called msfs 2020 help

Another method, this one I didn’t tried. (Do only if you feel comfortable changing registry entries).

Open Registry Editor

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services

Remove the GamingServices and GamingServices.Net

Restart Computer

Go to your Windows Store → 3-dot-menu → Downloads and Updates → Check updates

Gaming Services should install now without issue.

Double check by rebooting and going back to Windows Store and trying to Get Updates again - you should be Up to date.

Thanks again for your help. Unfortunately, "GamingServices and GamingServices.net aren’t present. I’ve updated as you say but still not working. It looks like i’ll have to reinstall.

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