Has anyone else had an issue where after disconnecting the autopilot the plane becomes impossible to handle? It seems to be an intermittent problem that’s quite annoying. It seems to keep jerking up and down, stalls, etc.
The trim sometimes winds up full nose up, so check that out. I have the trim axis bound to a wheel on my joystick. When I nudge the wheel after turning off the AP, the trim snaps back to its original sitting from the last time I changed it/before the AP was turned on. But I think others are just furiously hitting the trim down button.
Trim issues are, or should be, a known issue having been sent to Zendesk since the Tech Alpha. Hopefully soon…
Thanks for the help. i’ll check it closer next time.
Yes especially when trying to land and a few hundred feet above the threshold. I get that their may be some ground effect especially if you have gusty winds, but landing in dead calm conditions there shouldn’t be so much fighting with the aircraft when your speed and descend rate are still exactly the same as they were before disconnecting the auto pilot
Me too. Always fighting against an uncontrollable plane after having disconnected the AP.
What happens with the trim in a real plane when disconnecting the AP? Just wondering, I’m not a pilot.
The autopilot uses the trim tabs to fly the plane, so when you turn off an autopilot the plane is supposed to be perfectly in trim…
That is a great tip.
There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it, the trim seems to automatically go to nose up. When I correct it, it goes back to nose up again. Am I doing something wrong? is it a bug? It doesn’t happen all the time.