Unexpected error during charter career: 308-400-00207

Put me on this list. RJAZ to RJTA. You can see I was configured to land, on the localizer, just under 2 miles to land after 2hr mission.


Same for me. It has happened twice on a similar time of different days.
You can see from the screenshot file name, both crash with same error code 308-400-00207 happened right after 0am (UTC +8).
During last weekend, I almost played whole 2 days of MSFS2024, and nothing happened during daytime, so I guess it’s not related to hardware problems. But it happened 2 twice in midnight.
I’ll try tomorrow at the same time to see if this bug can be reproduced. If I can reproduce this bug, I’m pretty sure it has someting to do with time, maybe MSFS2024 will do some sort of things in game during that time which leads to crash.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
•stop resetting your server at midnigjt without backup server

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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Happened again, this time I was just about to turn final after a 3 hour light cargo flight. Happened at about 12:15AM MST. I’m extra angry because this landing was going to be after an intentional go-around so I could test if going around avoided yet another bug where ATC clears you to land, you respond, then get knocked to 75% airline procedures because you didn’t acknowledge the land clearance (even though you did). If I had just landed the first time, I would have dodged THIS bug but gotten nailed by other one. I think this one is worse.


LittleNavMap, 3hr mission I was 2hrs 57min into:

LittleNavMap, yellow plane is me stuck in space after the crash, showing my go around:

I’m doing my best to like this new version of MSFS, but I’m about at my breaking point with these bugs that are costing me hours of time for nothing.


The fun joke .

I receive a servey … im supposed to say thank. But nothing resolve. It s a joke

Supposedly this bug is, per a user in another thread.

Have you got the error in the beta?

I just got the same error tonight, just after passing midnight PST. I’m not on the beta.

I was simply sitting in the 172, cold and dark, getting ready to startup; after having taken care of the chocks/covers/etc and clicking the door to get in. About 12:02am.

Maybe my sign that I should be sleeping because I have work tomorrow?? :smiley:


It definitely wouldn’t be fixed if you’re not on the beta though.

a confirmation from BETA guys would be extremely usefull…since i uninstalled the sim due to this issue…and would love to get back into it

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• it just happen to me I was on autopilot and it just gave me the error for no reason. Was 3hrs in on a 5 hr flight. Kinda deflating. I haven’t been able to complete a mission in 5 days. This is getting frustrating to say the least.

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• I have this in about every 2nd career flight I do not use ALT + N

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• It appears independent of durantion (10 minutes after start to 3h after start)
• It is independent of sim rate

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Two 3-hour missions lost in the home stretch, one at touchdown. Both cases happened ~10 minutes after midnight CET. This is super frustrating.



Was flying a company cargo mission in a Cessna 208 while descending, from FL120, after 500NM of flight, sadly, sim froze with the message.

Error appears around midnight on my computer’s local time.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? No


Just once a week, when flying one flght every day, but today was the second flight


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Fly carego mission in Cessna 208
  2. Descend
  3. Error appeared setting the approach


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant: Velocityu ONE yoke, HoneyComb Bravo, Logitech pedals

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
4070 Super

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
i7 32Gb, using VR Quest 3 by cable



I have the issu too… during a cargo mission on Cessna 178

Same here: Error code 308-400-00207 during mission and freeze…
Cargo mission using Cessna 172 Cargo. Area California, Time: 00:14 EST…Just with just the NVidia driver installed - No app.

I tried that following fix solve this issue:

  1. Updated windows 11 to the latest version 24H2
  2. Clean Re-installed the Nvidia GeForce Game Ready Driver 572.16 and Nvidia App and Let the Nvidia App optimized the MSFS2024 as recommended with graphic setting.
    In addition:
    I stopped using a “custom made short cut” to [Repair and Refuel] to add fuel to aircraft with low fuel. and use only a “new short cut” mapped to [Add fuel] instead.

Did not experience this problem after these changes have been made.
Let me know if this help

How has this not been fixed yet? Mind blowing. Every flight in career I do that goes over midnight MST gets this error. It’s been here since the start of the game. Brutal.

They say it’s fixed in SU1 beta, so wait a couple of weeks more and we can get rid of this error (hopefully). Or join beta now :slight_smile:

It’s been fixed for a while. Just join the beta.