Unexpected sim update?

I just loaded up the Sim and I’m getting a 1.62 GB download. I thought Sim Update 4 was due later in May.

The message on the update is also strange, it’s not any kind of release notes, it sounds more like a ‘thank your purchasing’ type message. I’ve got a screenshot, but it’s blown out due to HDR:

Is anyone else getting this update, does anyone know what it’s for (since the ‘release notes’ say nothing useful)?

I just launched and came here while waiting, nothing updating for me.

It does show a “bf*” package downloading, which is a base package. Very strange. Are you part of the beta team for the next update?

No, I think I figured out what it was, my own fault.

I had recently moved everything out of the official packages, so that I could manage it with MSFS Addons Linker (like I do my community addons). I think it had failed to symlink those bf* packages for some reason, so yeah, the sim then detected they were missing and reinstalled them.

So all good, and no actual ‘update’, and explains the message I saw.

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You are managing the official folder as well? I expect that screen will become a close friend in that case.

Heh, possibly so. And if so, I’ll revert back.

But it is a specifically supported feature/behaviour. You need to turn it on in the settings of the app, it’s not a workflow I’ve made up or anything. As I say if it proves unreliable, I’ll undo it, but for now, it’s kinda nice to have a sim that loads up a lot faster when not loading packages I have no intention of using at any given time.

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