[UPDATE : 3.7] NeoFly Waypoints and weather on NeoPad

  • Neopad has now waypoints and VFR flight plan
  • Neopad has now a weather tab
  • Added polish and portuguese translation
  • fixed plane refresh on map
  • fixed NeoPad distance wrong unit
  • failures are now available even if you don’t have the events perk
  • fixed header bar (location & cash) hidden when the window is too small
  • failures can be triggered now when your hull or engine status is < 25%

Notes about Neopad :

  • At first 3.7 launch, authorize Neofly when windows firewall asks, so you can use neopad.
  • Install neopad.zip in the community folder
  • You can use NeoPad on a tablet or phone or H135 ERB by using local address and port like : http://[localadress]:18081/
  • In MSFS, moving the map with the mouse is a little buggy, use the mouse as a finger or click on the neopad sides.
  • We are aware we can’t see Sar or waypoint banner in the NeoPad, we are working on it.

Notes about failure events :

When a failure is triggered you can randomly have a collision failure or debris failure :

  • collision happens near takeoff or landing and can hit a lot of things : panels (airspeed, alt, compass, ect) trims, motors ect.
  • debris happens while taxiing or on the runway : can hit gear, hydraulics, fuel tank leak, ect…

In both cases you should hear the sound and get some weird behaviour.
